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RE: Surface Scars - Martin Guitar and Partsocaster

in DTube β€’ 4 years ago

Great Stuff!
Pretty Awesome, really!
I think You got Me sold on the
Roland Handsonic as well, pretty handy piece,
And I love the haunting Strat sound!

Good Job!

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The handsonic is pretty good. Initially I was going to get one of those digital drumsets but I have no room for one. This thing has way more samples on it and each pad is pressure sensitive with palm muting effects as well.

Thanks a whole lot!
I have a "drum machine"...
I do not believe it has the versitality of the Roland...
It is working Very Well for You!!!
Thanks Again,
And Wish You an
Awesome Weekend!

What drum machine do you have?

It's a boss.. something..
Not impressive..
I think I have 2 of them even..

Maybe if you run it through a few guitar pedals it might sound avant guard. A bit of reverb, delay and distortion?