Hello Everyone,
A hot summer noon, and after some tiring day you open the fridges and straightway gulp down Chilled water, hoping to get yourself cool down from scorching heat. Everyone does that right ?
When you feel the heat, you look out for Chilled water for cooling down. It does give a brief relief from heat but on a longer time it will prove bad for your health. I learnt it after some personal experience. Whenever I gulp down Chilled water in summer I fell down with some kind of bad health. Starting with bad throat to flu to indigestion. Infact Chilled water is always proved to be bad for the digestive system.
Many experts have advised us not to drink Chilled water directly and instead look out for the normal water or Luke warm water. It not kill the thirst but also good for the health. Anyhow Chilled water has been the answer for summer since ages. But the time is there now to understand the different health benefits to protect ourself from bad health. Avoid Chilled water and stay healthy.
Namaste @steemflow
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it's very informative and helpful video for all 👌👌👌👌