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RE: I Got My 2nd Dose of AstraZeneca Vaccine

in DTube3 years ago

This must be one of the biggest vaccination efforts ever. Some people would have gotten ill anyway and so you cannot assume causation. The conspiracy mob tend to ignore any evidence that doesn't match their agenda and on social media they can seem credible. Good journalists will care about their reputation, but we seem to have a race to the bottom these days.


Yep scare stories get eyeballs and they travel six times faster on social media regardless of the facts.
The covid deniers just don't want to see anything that goes against their cognitive bias. Their anxiety manifests itself by denial.
If they deny that it is real (covid) then they can just carry on with their lives...until of course they get infected.

The data tells a different story. Covid keeps mutating because some people refuse to face reality and spread these variants.

The Delta variant is twice as infectious but less deadly. Who knows what the next variant will be?

More infectious and more deadly?

I'm sticking with the mask regardless of government policy. Stay well Steve.😷👍

I think part of their motive is controlling the narrative. They want to be seen as 'free thinkers' who are not being controlled like the rest of us. Not that some of the politicians are much better really. They talk about 'following the science', but it's more about 'follow the money'. I would hope this would make people appreciate health workers and other key workers more. They have had to keep working and been exposed to more risk, but they seem to matter less than some mate of a minister who gets a big contract.

Let's get through this and have a meetup in a pub garden to chat about happier topics.

they seem to matter less than some mate of a minister who gets a big contract.

That is my reading of government policy too.

Private profit before public health.

meetup in a pub garden to chat about happier topics.

I'm up for a meetup 🎶🎸😷👍