Do you want to watch an ad for a boost?

I've been trying out some games on my new phone, recently installed this "idle" game called exominer. It's quite fun but not too different from the idle games I used to play back in the day when I was younger. It follows quite the same models where you mine a certain ore, then refine it, then you can choose to either sell the ore, the refined ore or build something new with it, etc, etc, while each new mine deposit costs exponentially more and gives you higher rewards with almost the same time/resource cost in between each level and new mineral/building. It's fun for a while but goes "meh" quick but I'm pretty sure that's the idea behind it. It tests your patience as a "free to play" player while constantly offering you "limited discounts" on abilities and speed improvements for your wallet.

Occasionally it also asks you if you want to watch an ad for an ingame boost. This activity entails you watch an ad for a specific amount of time, it won't let you click the ad away until the timer runs off, if you somehow manage to stop it or restart the game then you don't get the boost. Once the ad has finished playing and you click the X you're back in the game with some extra money or time sped up, etc. It's a win-win, right? The game gets some adrevenue and you save some time and get to your goal in the game faster all for the price of having spent 30 seconds watching this ad for another game.

It's kind of a weird situation if you really think about it, these other games pay a good amount of money for advertisement which goes into these other games, or websites, or influencers, etc, pockets all for the chance that you'd try the game out, possibly like it and get hooked and start dishing out money within the game. Everything mobile gaming has become such pay2win/pay2enjoy/pay2notgrind that even the advertisers possibly profit off of this and that's after having paid developers, artists, musicians, gamedesigners, etc, to create the game. There must be players spending money on these games else why would they pay such insane amounts of money to advertise them, right? They must be getting the better end deal out of this else this wouldn't be sustainable. Surely not all games must gain a net profit from this and probably eventually stop advertising or move on to the next game, I wonder what the graveyard of the playstore on google looks like.

I googled what the title in this address says:

the top 200 games usually earn almost $80,000 every day. However, that is just for the most popular games and if you consider the top 800 games, then their average revenue is around $3000.

Bear in mind this is from adrevenue alone, from games possibly not in the top 800, i.e. new ones competing for a spot to get adrevenue offers from other games to earn the same daily revenue amounts. If the game is good at forcing players to pay up to buy things in it then those adrevenue numbers are just a fraction of their daily earnings.

Anyway, this is neither here nor there, it is what it is.

But it got me thinking.

How the fuck are we still not making use of adrevenue in any way? Are we that good that we don't need it? Can we really just say no to it because our way of rewards through inflation is that much better? I know @leofinance is and during their peak they were probably getting a good amount of revenue considering how small the Hive userbase is and that they were even smaller. It just baffles me that we don't even have the infrastructure set up but not just the old popular one where the website/game/service gets all the revenue but rather it being spread out across all users.

It sounds quite obvious that that's going to be the next step not just to a more sustainable ecosystem and possibly hive price but because it's kind of dumb to ignore it when you shouldn't.

I get that many people like the fresh breath of no ads, but there's adblocks for those who absolutely don't want them because believe it or not if the model is proper some may want them.

@peakd for instance already has some analytics of page views, unique viewers, etc. While I understand we're still a smallish userbase and there may be some that will try to cheat the analytics in their favor if there's money on the line but those will surely be found when payday comes and we see certain stakeholders earn a weirdly high amount compared to the rest of their activity. Not to mention there could be different equations involved of how you could earn said revenue, not just direct pageviews and browsing time but other things that may not just encourage you to be social but maybe even hold some Hive Power, wouldn't that already sound like a win and addition to holding stake? Aside from the buy pressure of converting adrevenue money into Hive to distribute it to authors who manage to get a lot of views, engagement, etc, while at the same time dishing out rewards to consumers as long as they create a hive account.

We've yet to have a simple mobile game that uses ads in any way where the players or the token receive a buyback/burn from part if not all of the adrevenue it generates. Why not?

Think about it, if you know that watching that 30 second ad, not only will you get a small boost in that game but at the same time 0.1 Hive to your account, wouldn't you do it? 30 second ad, a few times per day. I'm sure for many smaller accounts that would triple their APY, or if anything allow them to buy and support the next ingame boost for free rather than adrevenue always just going to the game creators pockets the players get a choice in the matter.

It's not like anyone's being cheated here, the advertisers only care about imprinting their game into your brain. That's all most advertising is about.

If you really think about it we surely have a big enough userbase to get a mobile game started, make it somewhat fun to check out a few times per day and even if it's not that fun we could collectively just pretend it's nice and try boost its numbers. Possibly evolve it with adrevenue for a while if it really sucks early on cause we want it going as cheap as possible and then we start advertising it ourselves and get people to 1. create a hive account and 2. earn from playing that shitty game.

Look at all other apps and games that exist in the playstore that offer people to earn money, none of them work. The internet is still where it used to be where you can maybe earn a couple of cents per day doing some shady ad clicking or spamming people's emails instead of actually earning Hive rewards that we here today know work and work well. It would not only be sustainable but onboard these users onto Hive where a whole world would open up for them and their accounts.

I'm honestly surprised we're not putting more of the DHF funds into use of attracting more people in some clever ways but I guess that's a talk for another time, just wanted to rant a little about this and maybe someone finds it interesting.

Need some sleep now.


That's what I've been saying FOREVER now. There is no reason why any if not all of these Hive applications including hive itself could put a small amount of ads on their platforms or a boost like you said. It would be a revenue stream coming in that would either fund the DAO or a way to hold and give value to the token and all of these layer two tokens.

Ad revenue is the single thing that got many platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc profitable and able to expand. Many of these only give a very small fraction back to their content creators that lets be honest without them the platform would be nothing. Imagine if you mimicked these very successful platforms with some very basic ad support (nothing crazy) and then either gave them the value in 2nd layer tokens or bought back the tokens and burned them etc. At least there would be revenue being generated and not 100% reliant on people buying the token and that's it. I caught hella flak though every time I bring it up and it just doesn't make sense. If it wasn't for laws and all that junk I'd build a 2nd layer token myself and implement these things but I simply don't want to deal with the headache of the USA tax system lol

good opinion and it makes a lot of sense, we can't depend on wild traders forever, meaning we have to find other sources to create value and advertising is the best solution.

That's a Great idea tbh, other than games I've seen so many scam apps having 100k+ downloads who claims to generate bitcoin but never pays off - Same with the games people spend lot of money on games it's Good and also generate revenue through ads.

Ads always works, brave browser, YouTube, Facebook etc are so many examples. generating huge revenue and with your idea it is possible to bring so many genuine users in hive.

The only Ads people hate are those when they click on "x" but it still takes you to the new tab (ad) and when Ads make the whole interface shitty.

Anyway, Looking forward to see experience people views on this topic to increase my knowledge and learn something.

People like to say they hate ads, but they really don't, it's only disturbing if it really destabilizes your page structures, aside that, it's never really a bother.

Wrote a not too recent post about how we could boost traffic having people compete to grow their audience, it's a very simple thing and would differently get people running in.

Just simply give up a portion of the ad revenue to the users that attract the most external traffic with great contents and watch how the space blow up and more people join in, boosting the overall numbers on both users and revenue.

People would for once careless amount hive rewards while focusing on ranking as the top authors with the most engagement.

It's dumb enough to work but maybe we're too scared to give it a shot.

This really is a "simple" and efficient way to increase revenue and bring new people into the Hive ecosystem. Integrating mechanisms that are already used in Web 2.0 and that work (socially and financially) but adapted for Web 3.0 is one of the smartest ways to make more people want to join cryptocurrencies.

Ads that use part of the revenue to buy back tokens and burn is the perfect example of an old resource being adapted for Web 3.0. There are certainly many other examples and applications that can be inserted into Hive that would increase revenue and attract more people. It's interesting to think about this because that way we can see the possibility of growth in the long term.

hey @acidyo,
That’s some good thinking here, it’s indeed strange that there isn’t already one mobile game linked to Hive ecosystem ! plus one generating adrevenue...

The idea to onboard new users could works with the incentive of small advertising earnings, it could also be with users that want to promote their works... but this already exists through platforms like peaks or ecency

I wonder how the graveyard of the playstore on google looks like

Yeah, you make me curious to see that too, I’ll start to imagine it and then will pay a visit ^^

“and even if it's not that fun we could collectively just pretend it's nice and try boost its numbers. [...] 2. earn from playing that shitty game.

It could be even nicer if it could be a enjoyable one ^^ would be interesting to brainstorm, I’ll think about it near the pool haha. I’ve no dev capabilities, I’m more in the scenario department :)

I hope you had some good rest and I wish you to enjoy your weekend !

I was under the impression that this was something a front end like Ecency or peakd could do. Either way it’s a good idea. At the very least it’s a new way to utilize the chain that can benefit people. I wish we had it when I was Hiving full time.

It'd be really cool if they were totally optional too. Like each use can choose whether or not each of their posts have ads

I hate ads, and I think 90% of them are just paying money to google to find out no one is interested in their product, but I'm also for doing practical things and this seems pretty practical consider how hard it's been to onboard new users to blogging

I observed that platforms such as Hive, Steemit, Readcash, have no ads.
I'm not sure, but I think it entails privacy issues. As you have mentioned, most ads appearing in a mobile game are other games. I think that's part of the ad algorithm. Since you are interested in playing games, they will show you other games. It's more likely that you will click the ad or even install the game advertised because they know you are interested in playing games...
There there's the security issues. Some "advertisers" could post links leading to phishing sites and other sites that can threaten the security of the users.

There are just my assumptions.

We have quite a diverse niche of topics, a frontend could choose to only view ads in specific communities for instance which are well moderated so advertisers wouldn't freak out about their ads being shown on inappropriate content.

hmm.. that's true... appropriate ads can be displayed on specific communities.
And with no KYC requirements here, we can still remain anonymous if wanted to...

FWIW, I click adds on websites I use heavily just to support them. If there was an unobtrusive add on peakd, I'd click it occasionally for free. If you paid me HIVE, I'd click it...more 😁

There have been discussions about this, this idea on hive is obviously not new but there's a difference between knowing that it's needed and actually implementing it.

I think we're going to get there eventually, the question is always when.

The rewards earned on this comment will go directly to the people( @bilgin70 ) sharing the post on Twitter as long as they are registered with @poshtoken. Sign up at

This is exactly what I have been trying to do. I am even writing a shot note to my team for how it works and the business plan.
It is for a specific new user group. So I have to think about onbording as well. Like Leofinance, I think I need to let the new users register using existing social accounts.
After cumulating a certain number of points, they will be able to create a real hive account.
May be lucky accounts are selected randomly for Hive Power delegation for a period of time in exchange with the points they have collected. And other gamifications.
Ya.. there may be other second layer tokens apart from point system.
And probably DAO for how the ads revenue is managed, like buying Hive from the revenue.

Though I don't really like to watch ads during my work (they cause distraction and drive my focus away), yet if I would get an incentive out of it I would try to train my mind to watch the ads without losing the focus.

The struggles a new hive account goes through would definitely urge the newbies to watch the ads to add some goodies to the account.

Bringing ads to hive seems a good idea in for revenue generation

Tbh I don’t fully understand how the whole inflation thing works on Hive but I have thought for many years that Hive will need ad-revenue coming in at some point to make the platform last long term. New money comng in will help the platform for sure. The trick is doing it in a way that doesn't cheapen Hive. Ads can be very invasive. The click for boost idea is a good one. It allows users to choose whether they see an add or not. It would be good to if the ad is posted on a user's blog if both the viewer and blog account share the reward 50/50 for every view. In an ideal world, it would be great if a blog could choose if and what type of ads are posted in their articles.

The idea of this game and this commercial really resonated with me. We could even make a hive game. I don't know how this idea sounds to you, but I think it's worth a try. It would be very easy to support our game with ads, because a lot of people, myself included, wouldn't mind watching 30 or 40 second ads to speed up the process like you said.

I hope this game idea becomes a reality one day. Thanks for making me think about it. Maybe if I come up with a better idea I'll share it with you on discord. Thanks for the great post.

Hello! I am still new here in hive Blockchain and I am really confused because there are so many features found in these platforms.

It takes a while to learn but it's well worth it :)

I think Ecency, Peakd and the other front ends really should look into implementing ads on their pages. I have thought that for a long time.

 2 years ago  

I agree there's so much wasted potential in ad revenue. It could be bolster earnings and get people into HIVE.

I am bullish about ads. If it's classified hive ads then it's even better. Hive applications can bid on an ad banner. I can already imagine play2earn hive games bidding for the spot. The money generated can be divided among all users based on engagement or just burn it.

Why the fuk at this stage of the game are you seeking to be wanting revenue from any source. By now that revenue for promotion of and demand creation should have already been started.



After 6 years. Other places should be coming to Hive looking for support and the how to.

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Cool, sounds a bit like alien worlds which I play.

I think I would choose to view the ad to get the boost, if i wasn't busy

i really don't mind ads if it makes the platform free for me to use

i do always prefer ad-free things if i can choose. 😎🤙

3 month on hive.
Thank you for support my first post. It made me start strong

I think that if entrepreneurs should be aware of other processes or ways to generate money, and it is not bad to evaluate what can be adopted and what not for the benefit of the Blockchain, I hope that this contribution will be taken into account for our further growth. Thank you very much for your analysis.

This is actually a good Idea. In Ecency, it is even possible to reward the users who watch ads with Points, so that they can Promote and Boost their content.

ugh forgot to set beneficiaries in this post