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RE: Do you want to watch an ad for a boost?

That's what I've been saying FOREVER now. There is no reason why any if not all of these Hive applications including hive itself could put a small amount of ads on their platforms or a boost like you said. It would be a revenue stream coming in that would either fund the DAO or a way to hold and give value to the token and all of these layer two tokens.

Ad revenue is the single thing that got many platforms like Youtube, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter etc profitable and able to expand. Many of these only give a very small fraction back to their content creators that lets be honest without them the platform would be nothing. Imagine if you mimicked these very successful platforms with some very basic ad support (nothing crazy) and then either gave them the value in 2nd layer tokens or bought back the tokens and burned them etc. At least there would be revenue being generated and not 100% reliant on people buying the token and that's it. I caught hella flak though every time I bring it up and it just doesn't make sense. If it wasn't for laws and all that junk I'd build a 2nd layer token myself and implement these things but I simply don't want to deal with the headache of the USA tax system lol


good opinion and it makes a lot of sense, we can't depend on wild traders forever, meaning we have to find other sources to create value and advertising is the best solution.