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RE: Don't Share Everything

Hmm... Keeping some aspects of your life off social media is really important. So many various artists have lost their lives simply because of this. I think we're in dangerous times and we absolutely need to be careful of the things we post out there.

I'm glad you're protective of your son and doing what needs to be done as a father. Nice one ✨


 last month  

The most important job in my life is to be as good of a father for my son as I can be! It's a difficult world out there and he will deal with it one day, but I am trying to build him as much as I can to be able to do it successfully.

It's crucially important, especially in the advent of AI, to keep as much as we need to off the internet. The more we put out there, the more it feeds the AI beast and could be used against us when we least expect it.