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RE: Modern Day Slaves happiness overload

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

Those are brutal working conditions for sure but they are also a good thing to have experienced. When you work for shitty people and eventually find a good one, you will appreciate it so much more having known what it’s like to work for a scumbag like that. Also, if you ascend to the manager role, you have a good basis of what not to act like and likely will treat your employees better.

Hope you can get out of that shitty situation soon into something better!


It's a cycle really hehe sometimes u get good people but most of the time you get this shitty people inside a company. I just thought that after covid people will be better but it's the reverse ◀️ on what's happening to people in general.

Sadly Greed can't be cured I guess.