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RE: All good things must end...But why!

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

Looks like quite the beautiful place man! Was it a solo trip? I didn’t see any mention of faith and I haven’t been abreast of the things as I would like to! How’s faiths mum doing?

The ends of the trips are indeed tough, sometimes (hell all the time lol) the trips go by too fast! In some ways I enjoy the wind down, I tend to enjoy being back home in my own bed and all that. It will be good when we live in a place that’s almost like a vacation. Applied for some jobs, hopefully one will work out but don’t want to get ahead of myself otherwise they don’t happen.

The tire thing sucks I’ll have to check that out. When we drive to where we are going we are probably taking my car, the Subaru is in good shape but it’s nearing 40k miles and I don’t know if it will make a thousand plus miles in a trip without any issues. My car is better on gas anyways so that’s a better reason for me lol

 3 years ago  

I'm not one to stress about the end of a trip whilst it's still happening but am also not one to relish going back to work...That never makes much sense to me but I know some people see work as a social event or opportunity and so like to be there. I see it as a way to make money...I've thought of others but they're all illegal.

I check the tyres on my vehicles every week; I have an onboard compressor and so it's easy to do at home...I did the trailer too, before the trip. So I picked up a puncture somewhere along the way of the valve failed. Once it got down to low enough the tyre heats up and then destroys itself. Not ideal but it could have been far worse.

Looks like quite the beautiful place man! Was it a solo trip? I didn’t see any mention of faith and I haven’t been abreast of the things as I would like to! How’s faiths mum doing?

I don't comment on these aspects of life anymore, haven't for a few months. Just a privacy choice.

 3 years ago  

Ah no worries about the other part of life man, I hear you. There’s not a whole lot of privacy sometimes nowadays so we relish the ones we choose to have. Best wishes for that aspect of your life, whatever it may be!

The valve, didn’t think of that and it could have been that as well. Not too many things but with a destroyed tire like that it’s hard to get to the bottom of it sometimes to determine what it was, for nothing besides our peace of mind.