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RE: My Mother Broke a Leg or a Nightmare at Santos Anibal Dominici's Hospital

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

That's awful to hear man! I'm sorry of the shit situation that your country and healthcare system is in. I hope we can turn the tide back in the other direction because there is no need for anyone to have to suffer with shit like that.

Hip fractures like that are difficult. What's good is that it doesn't appear to be splintered in a few pieces which can be dangerous but also difficult to manage without surgery. One of the things that I find interesting is that hip fractures are always told to be fixed only by surgery. I'm hoping that your mother can prove otherwise! It certainly looks like a good situation but one of the most common situations that occurs that you should watch out for is getting up to pee!! The elderly fall most frequently trying to get up to go the bathroom so be the most careful about that, as well as showering/bathing.

Best of luck man, hope you have a good update post coming in a few weeks!


Thank you, man.
Yes, the fracture does not seem a scary one, but elders tend to be afraid of walking after this.
The most difficult part is to help them heal from the fracture while preventing ulcers due to bed confinement.
In my home town, we are now facing constant blackouts, mosquitoes, and scorching heat. We're working 24/7 to provide her with all the love and care we can give.

Tu historia se parece igualita a la mía entre el calor , los apagones constante y los mosquitos me tienen al borde de un colapso, yo estoy en un caserío llamado Quebrada de Mono, Municipio Benítez. Así que hay que seguir adelante