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RE: You’re on a vacation right?

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

I think you’re an inspirational young woman from what I know of you! Sure there’s a lot of things that other people do but to be a woman out on your own, running your own little business and keeping yourself afloat I think that’s wonderful. You add your own flavor to it which is good as well, instead of just doing what everyone else is doing.

When you’re in a place you enjoy then working is a lot easier and more fun. When we were in a warm state and I was working with this view, yeah it was work but I enjoyed just being there. I actually ended up being more productive than being at home, even though I’m pretty productive as it is!


Keep doing what you’re doing and having fun your own way!

 2 years ago  

That is such a beautiful view!!! Enjoy the vacation 😃, you and the family deserve it. These past few days, I suddenly feel that what I am doing is weird, it doesn't matter and like I am floating waste of resource. But when I look at the positives, I realized even at the co-working space there are not many people who are young and can be anywhere and support themselves and the family. I am basically also breadwinner in the family 😅 it gave me such a boost knowing that I could do this and on my own! Thanks for the courage!