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RE: Bull Market Fear, Anxiety and Doubt.

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago

I wouldn’t worry about Solana too much - that chain is going to rug pull the shit out of the people in on it. The pre-mine is insane there and going to be destructive. Sam bank man fried is still heavily invested in it even though he’s in jail.

This season is going to be an important one because more people are involved now than ever before so where you are now is a lot better than where I would say 75% of the people out there are. There will be plenty of opportunities in the future!


Thank you,

I thought I was the only one concerned about all those VC tokens and the expiration of the hold period for them.
But I had forgotten that SBF also holds a fat bag. Wow that's another scary thought.
That is going to be some sell pressure from hell when it comes due.

 2 months ago (edited) 

Yup absolutely! I know a guy who was level headed but he's obsessed with Solana despite my warnings of the pre-mine. I didn't think of the hold period stuff but it makes sense! That's why they aren't rug pulling yet.

I still have 3 SOL to dump when the time is right but this guy is in it heavy.