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RE: Daydreaming About Billions

in Rant, Complain, Talk4 months ago

There’s definitely an element of luck involved but often times what’s not luck is how billionaires get their “start”. Elon musk had parents who owned an emerald or diamond mine, I forget which. That comes with connections and money. Bill gates parents were extremely politically connected and actually used government coercion to get things in their favor and just bought up other companies. There was no luck involved at all, skill at convincing people of things but not much else.

For average people though - it’s about finding a niche, working hard and filling that niche. If you can do that you will be able to be successful for a period, hopefully life. The important thing is not to rely on luck and lotteries for these things!


That's a fair point! Luck doesn't see me through regular replies or brainstorming article topics. I think I have a niche I want to fill, but nothing but hard work will pan out. Funny perspective though, coming from people like Mark Cuban. It seems honest in the same way, some people pick a token at a point and it suddenly balloons in value later. They didn't necessarily put in any work towards the sudden appreciation in value, but consistency could help you bring the scenario about more often... You've given me some things to consider. Thanks!