Daydreaming About Billions

Picture this you’re a billionaire. How did you do it.jpg

Believing in Billions

Well, there might not be any merit in this dream, but that doesn't stop me from exploring the possibilities. I reflected briefly yesterday about the gravity of unemployment. Anna Wintour has no remorse sadly, but then again, maybe she wore sunglasses to avoid the direct eye contact with the people she affected with layoffs.

Today's workday involved lots of listening. I didn't sleep as much as my body required apparently, since I couldn't help but nod listening to various introductory information. Nothing was particularly boring; I learned a bit that I'd like to share actually. The pity is, a full workday gets in between writing my usual shares for you all.

In any event, the history of insurance ended up intriguing me more than I thought it would. In fact, I would not have guessed that insurance in America is closely linked to firefighting, for one. There's even a film based on the real story of how firefighting evolved into a capitalistic endeavor.

Can't say I'm surprised at America and her history. For as long as anyone can remember, the clever profited from their creative enterprises, although many of them simply exploited old systems for personal gain. I wouldn't paint everyone the same color. Still, I'm dubious as to how old money got its start in this country.

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Keep It Real, It's All Luck

On the other hand, I can't fault someone who plainly admits that some circumstances in life rely on luck. That'd be fair to say and I could not certainly argue with anyone who's ever won the lottery or survived being trapped in terrible conditions. Even Mark Cuban keeps me from envy when he says things like:

"Anybody who's a billionaire who thinks they could just do it all over again is lying their ass off."

That was Cuban's response to Trevor Noah's question on the late night show host's podcast, "What Now?" As for the question, I can't say what's next but it might include taking becoming a billionaire of my to-do list. Apparently, it's a circumstance that's hard to replicate, and that comes from a man successfully did it.

He would go on to say, that if things did not align, 'you wouldn't even know who I was.' And to that point, there are many brilliant, wealthy people, flying just under the radar. There's no real way to tally everyone who's over a certain dollar value in assets.

Now, for anyone who's given up billions because of my thoughts so far, sit tight. Cuban did hold that he could become a millionaire several times over, but there are only a few opportunities that could change that one letter from M to B.

Leaving the billions aside, I think even reaching the millionaire status is farfetched. I'm much more convinced you could hit at least 1,000 fans before you made 1,000,000 dollars, and that's because of the orders of magnitude. However, for either goal, I think what I normally do about these kinds of lofty aspirations.

It takes small steps to move forward and go any distance. Might I reach that level of wealth or even further one day? Maybe. It would require building upon consistency, quality and all the other good, motivational buzzwords.

I couldn't post these articles at this time, when my readership's already turned in. It would rely on solid investments of time and money, too. I think luck play's a factor, but like I learned from a digital artist that made a $20 million dollar memecoin, 'luck has to find you working'.

So, Lady Luck, if you're reading this, I'm busy. Are you? Tell me in the comments below how lucky you are. Do you think you might be a billionaire one day?


I believe I will be a billionaire one day but not with luck, I believe in hard work and the mercy of God. You can't stay in one place during nothing and expect billion's or even millions to come your way that is witchcraft and laziness.

You make a very good point. Many believe they are owed what they do not work for; I cannot count myself among them. I only mean to say, certain circumstances might be the result of factors out of your control. In fact, you're still right- much of our bounty does come from the goodness on high. I may not attend church as often as I once did, but I am grateful to Him.

 4 months ago  

There’s definitely an element of luck involved but often times what’s not luck is how billionaires get their “start”. Elon musk had parents who owned an emerald or diamond mine, I forget which. That comes with connections and money. Bill gates parents were extremely politically connected and actually used government coercion to get things in their favor and just bought up other companies. There was no luck involved at all, skill at convincing people of things but not much else.

For average people though - it’s about finding a niche, working hard and filling that niche. If you can do that you will be able to be successful for a period, hopefully life. The important thing is not to rely on luck and lotteries for these things!

That's a fair point! Luck doesn't see me through regular replies or brainstorming article topics. I think I have a niche I want to fill, but nothing but hard work will pan out. Funny perspective though, coming from people like Mark Cuban. It seems honest in the same way, some people pick a token at a point and it suddenly balloons in value later. They didn't necessarily put in any work towards the sudden appreciation in value, but consistency could help you bring the scenario about more often... You've given me some things to consider. Thanks!

I just have that feeling of me becoming a billionaire someday
I know that day will come and that’s why I’m working very hard for it

That's the right attitude. I think you're a consistent person, so no goal is too far for you. I hope to encourage you the same way you've been supporting me. Thank you.