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RE: This is About That

in Rant, Complain, Talk3 years ago

That's exactly what it was. We knew already—autopsy proved it. Right around the same time a lot of people died. I never understood the dealers purpose on that one. Dead customers are dead. Not that I don't strongly believe ultimately it's Chris's fault for being so selfish he took his life in his hands for a head change but still... coulda been anyone. I play with fire too.

Good thing I put this in the rant channel. Seems I'm still doin it.

Thanks for checkin this out, I appreciate it. I knew Driver would be ok but I had no idea things would turn out like this and he's better than ok. I'm happy.

People are stupid though. Gymnastics. Lame.


Yeah, I was out of the country at the time it happened, but as soon as I heard his name I knew what had happened. He had been going through quite a time. And fentanyl is a huge problem where I live(VT). I guess cash is more important than customers lives, there will always be a demand in their minds. I'm sure I've had it in my system before..

Ranting's good. This was a touching post too.

And yeah. People are idiots. That will never change

 3 years ago  

Vermont? That's cool. It's that upper Eastern region I haven't been to. Starting at about Penn I guess, there's about 7 or 8 states right there I haven't been to yet. You grow up there or?? Have you been elsewhere in the east coast?

Well shit.. I'm still asking question. Where were you when you were out of the country?

Yeah, we moved here before my memories kicked in so I always remembered growin up here. Old farm but close to the city. It's a cool place. If you're in the right part, you get to experience a lot of different shit all at once; you can go from big lake to city to absolute barren woods to giant mountains all in a 45 minute drive. I've become a little too accustomed to it and am eager to leave, but it really is a very cool place.

Yeah I've traveled a lot within the country by car, mainly revolving around several attempts at moving after high school. I always found myself broke and crawling back to Vermont though because of the work connections I have here.

I work(ed) at a ski resort in my hometown here and they do an international work program here where kids in college come and work at the resort for a semester. I met my partner through that; she's from Chile. I was down there living with her for a bit, also working at a ski resort which was interesting with my limit Spanish capacities, the year after we got together.. now that was fuckin' cool. Barely made it back but it couldn't have been more worth it

 3 years ago  

Oh cool! Now I know how you met. Guess work doesn't always suck. <- If you tell anyone I said that I'll deny it!!

I've been fortunate enough to tour quite a bit here too. I have some states I like a little more and some places I won't go back to. And out of everywhere dude, know where I'd like to go right now if I could?

Anywhere else.

Your secret's safe with me my dude.

Yeah, I'm with ya on that last part too. This place is cool an all but the community's also slowly chippin' away. All my friends are slowly moving out. Getting back together with the lady is priority number 1 once we can navigate all this COVID bullshit, and then we're workin towards renovating a bus and doing some mobile work. I'll take that option over this rental bullshit.

 3 years ago  

Costa Rica opened up, you know that right? Dude I won't go back there even if a homies getting married but if I couldn't get to my wife and there's a country right by her I might be 'Meet me in Golfito Bay.'

Seven EU countries just reopened too but very strictly. Still wouldn't want to go there. All our traveliving is on pause until England reopens anyway and they seem to be setting the bar with restrictions but these bits and pieces around the world is better than nothing.

When the UK reopens.. oh man, more travel docs headed your way. I keep saying 'this time next year' but I really hope it pans out that way so I can stop saying it.