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RE: Why I need an army tank

in Rant, Complain, Talklast year

Yeah, you're right for sure, people would get out of my way if I came up behind them in a tank...and if they didn't...well then, the fun begins. 🙂

I don't know where you live, but maybe it's the only place in the world where there's no road safety issues? Here, well I guess a person could not have any from day to day, but I'm on the road a lot so I see more. There's a lot of reasons as I've listed, and there's more besides. I think it's a human thing these days. People can't leave their phones alone...which is probably what's behind those drivers doing all that weavjng where you are. Inattentive phone driving doesn't make for good driving.


maybe it's the only place in the world where there's no road safety issues?

Forgive me, irony doesn't always come over too well in text communication 😁 My bad.

I'm sure you're right about the phones. I put mine on silent when I'm driving. I carry it on me because I'd want it within reach if there was a problem, but I don't want it ringing and buzzing at me.

 last year  

Oh sorry, my mistake, you were being sarcastic. I should have realised, I'm Australian after all, and sarcasm is an Australian's superpower.
