I am not sorry I have instant repellant to bullies in my system

“I am not sorry!” I turned furious eyes to her, ignoring the disappointed look in her eyes.


“Treasure, you were out of place. You should go back to him and apologize.”

“I'm surprised you're the one saying this, Esther. You were there when he said that I was going to regret my stay in this compound, I know how to handle his type”

It had been a long time since I engaged in a quarrel of any kind, but I was ready for Oscar.

The compound where I reside is a large one. It accommodates 10 apartments, each spacious and presentable enough to be proudly called home. When I came to pay the rent along with my roommate, the compound manager told me that the apartments were built for only Youth Corp members.

“Sir, I have the money to make all the required payments. Your compound is nice, and I would love to get an apartment in it immediately.”

The man saw my persistence and phoned the landlord to inform him of my request. Luckily, the landlord asked that I should be given the apartment I wanted if I had the money at hand.

This was the situation that made me the only student among 9 Youth Corp members. Even then, I ensured that I kept to my space.

Once, my next-door neighbor told me that she didn't know someone had taken our apartment, it amazed her that we were two in that house for almost a month, and she never noticed.

The compound manager, Mr Q, was a good man. He was one of the people who made me enjoy the environment.

He went out of his way to double-check faucets and pipes to ensure nothing was leaking. When I told him our house needed fumigation, he did that before I fully moved in without asking for a dime.

I woke up one morning to see that there was going to be a physical, compound meeting. I had classes that day, so I asked my roommate to fill me in on whatever was said later.

“Treasure, you won't believe what happened today” my roommate announced the minute I got back.

“At least allow me to drop my bag first.”

“This is not a dropping of bag matter o, let me play the recording for you”.

She brought her phone to my ears and pressed play on the compound meeting which she had made a recording of.

“....I have noticed that those two small girls in apartment C are fond of bringing strangers to this compound. Anyone who knows them should say it to them, they will regret living in this compound if they bring thieves here. Security is a priority to us….”

“Who is this guy, and what's going on?” I asked my roommate.

“That's the acting compound manager. Mr Q is currently hospitalized so Oscar will stand in for him till he gets better.”

I asked her to turn off the recording and then put on the blouse I had taken off as soon as I returned.

“Where are you going?” I gave a smile and said I was coming.

Oscar was sitting in front of his apartment when I walked up to him.

“Good evening, may I have a word with you?”

He nodded without looking up.

“My name is Treasure, I live in apartment C. I heard the information you passed during the meeting about bringing people into the compound but with due respect to your recently acquired position, I would like to say you are mistaken.” The last part got his attention, so he looked up at me.

“My roommate is a tailor; a lot of people come to get their clothes and do related stuff at our place. They are not thieves.”

“So, what's my business with that?”

“I'm saying that people cannot stop flocking into this compound, especially because of my roommate's occupation.”

“This is the challenge I have with students. You guys don't understand life…” At this point I noticed that heads were sticking out of their windows, trying to get a hint of what was going on. “.... I'm glad the information reached you correctly so be guided”.

“I am not inferior to you just because I am a student, we all paid our house rents so please, let's all be guided.”

It was then my next-door neighbor, Esther, came around and dragged me in.

“You cannot speak to him like that, he has veto power….”

I gave Esther an apologetic smile, one that wasn't from my heart.

“I have instant repellant to bullies in my system Esther, and now that I have an opportunity to get back at one, I will never apologize!”

With that I walked out, leaving the poor lady to gawk after me in disbelief.


Lemme just say this; I like the way all the names sound. I can only imagine people in the compound calling "Mr.Q" whenever they need his attention. Haha.

People and their desire for power. You know what's funny? A land lord may not be interested in drama or showing off. However, the caretaker may turn out to be the one causing chaos and messing things up for people in the compound. In this case, the power hungry lad is just an acting compound manager. Haha.

It's hilarious. And it's good you gave him a piece of your mind. He can do his thing and flex his new found power, but there is a line that shouldn't be crossed.

Thanks so much for joining the challenge.

Lol.. I am glad you liked the names.
It's true, our landlord isn't really up as running for power like that but this particular power hungry human carries it on top his head.

I am glad I joined. Good luck to you on this journey, Ken.

This is really cool! I like the storyline you've blessed us with. Mr. Q seems to be an amazing man even though he had power.

... Before Oscar said anything, he could have spoken to you guys beforehand if seeing people come and go disturbs him. Saying it openly and still being clear that he doesn't care when you explained things to him is so uncalled for.

I am glad you stood up and said something. He should know his place.

I am glad I stood up to him too. He was just trying to flex his new found power. Thank you dear for reading.

Ahahahah Iska gave us action movie here, girl you're on Fireeeeeeeeeeeeeeee😂😂😂😂

Hahaha 😂😂😂😂

There are some people that needs to receive it hot hot ooo 🤣🤣🤣

This is where immaturity shows so clearly on adults who feel they are grown and bigger than others. As a student you acted so mature and handled the case beautifully.
He would have spoken to you guys aside and found out why people came around rather than making a general statement to raise brows having others think otherwise.

You see right? He gave the rest of the tenants the chance to think badly of us when he was merely spreading untrue statements.

 5 months ago  

It’s never good to get in arguments like this but it’s important to stand our ground if we are right!

Thank you so much for your support

It takes courage to stand up to a bully - good for you! And by having that discussion with other renters listening in it will help to spread the correct story plus the fact that you stood up for yourself and your roommate. I hope Mr. Q gets well soon so that Oscar will have his power trip cut short.
And by standing up to him, you may have saved someone else some heartache from that bully because he will surely think twice in the future.

I hope Mr. Q gets well soon so that Oscar will have his power trip cut short.

When it happened, I did hope so too.

And by standing up to him, you may have saved someone else some heartache from that bully because he will surely think twice in the future.

I am happy I stood in the gap then. 🙂🙃