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RE: Phone home

I resisted getting a cell phone for many years. I can't tell you what year I finally caved, but I was the last person I knew to get it because I thought I really didn't need one.

At the time my opinion was that at work I have a phone and at home I have a phone with an answering machine and when I wasn't home and I didn't need to talked to anyone I wasn't actually with, while I was out visiting or shopping or eating ..... or whatever.

Eventually I got old enough and being a single woman, I thought I should have one with me every time I got in the car, just in case of emergency. I don't live in a particularly dangerous area, but the car could break down and you simply never know, so I finally got a flip phone. I didn't think I needed a smart phone, all of which cost too much.

One day my phone service carrier decided to go to 4g and the flip I had would not handle it, so they gave me a coupon for about $250 to buy a phone and when I went to get one, I finally bought a smart one that was on a great sale.

As you can guess, I now take it wherever I go. I mostly don't let it rule me, like answering or looking at it when I am visiting or the such. I do find though that when I accidentally leave it at home, I do feel like something is missing. Like you, I am use to just jumping on it when I need an answer to something... .anything.

I do still have a PC at home, so I don't have my phone attached to me and am sometimes far away from it that I miss a call. Fortunately, when I do get to it, it tells me who I need to call back ! 😄 I don't mind texting with my family on occasion, but I really don't like pecking out long emails or posts with one finger....ugh !

 3 years ago  

There are so many valid reasons to carry a phone and as per my post most of the time I do. I just prefer not to where possible. Like you though, not letting it rule me is the key focus.

It's amazing how quickly an entire industry sprung up around the smart phone. I mean do you remember back in 1985? Do you ever recall a person having their self-worth attached to their landline dial-phone back at home? Nope, not one. These days one is almost an outcast without the right brand of phone and woe to you if it's over a year old! Trillions of dollars revolve around a device that in around 20 years humanity seem to have gotten themselves addicted to...But we can all do without. It is what it is though and isn 't likely to change.

I'm content with my leave it home ethos although don't manage to do so as often as I like.

It IS amazing how fast it started and then took over.

Everywhere you turn, some company is trying to force their app on you. It is no longer good enough to advertise on the radio, TV or signs, they want to be present in your hand, sending and bombarding you with ads and sales pitches. I realize some good has probably come from them in certain areas, but also some very bad. So many are never present wherever their bodies actually are and the innocent people that have died because someone couldn't stay off their phone while driving. Honestly it is all pretty crazy.

 3 years ago  

The world is upside down jacey, or so I see it. I'm hoping my home planet send the spaceship back and pick me up soon because I'm struggling to make sense of planet Earth these days. 👽

Nano Nano
