The nation forgot fast again

Here in Europe there is hardly anything else to find that is less overrated than soccer and the current European championship going on. Overpaid small dudes nnot even running half of the time and diving like they were in acting school is the general norm on how soccer is played at the moment.

Sure I love the game in general, team sports are awesome, but the way that it is executed is more than annoying. Regardless...I do watch some matches here and there just to be able to discuss them a bit around the coffeemachine at work. Let me rephrase, then I have an idea what they are talking about, usually I am not mingling in because my opinion about it doesn't brighten up the room, to say it lightly.

The past couple of weeks had only been about soccer (football, whatever). Who would be playing, what kind of kind of hairdue Memphis Depay would have (I guess the only question you can ask is why it annoys you so much if someone decides to do a different hairdue), and most importantly 'where will you be watching the match'.

Because when Dutchies are playing, the people are out and about. I guess you had sen the videos here and there of the Dutches marching through the German cities doing the from left to right little dance. Now this is a funny thing actually.

Here you can see how the majority of the squares at matches looks like at the moment. Fans diving from left to right on the song from the Dutch artist 'Snollebollekes'. Usually this would be something for carnival, but also does good business with the EC. The vibe is good! (Snollebollekes sounds something for your local music guy, but this singer actually is a smart dude and had even won a couple of knowledge quizzes on TV)

Back to the game!

So the suspense was building over the last couple of weeks and some games there was some good game going on by the Dutchies. But the semi finals were the last stop and immediately it is all about the referee and that meant for the game.

Admittingly....letting someone lead a game that has been accused of match fixing.? Come on..... Regardless of whatever the result would be, please project the guy from himself for always because the centre of attention. It will always be something hanging over the game. It was hard to keep my eyes open, and admittingly...I might have dozed off during the game a couple of time. So interesting.!

'The game was stolen from us' as the critics said....and I was not really looking forward to the amount of complaints the next day would bring. Because us Dutchies....if it is not raining, we need to complain about something else right?

I don't know what happened but at the coffee machine it was silent. I heard a couple of people talking about something...But 2 minutes later everything was back to normal...

I guess we forget fast.....Until in 2 years when the next championship reaches and we are full time fans again!

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I mean, how could you lose to England? You have to be trying really hard to do that :P

Im cool with everything honestlty

Was surprised to go through the likes how many Britts gave a like ;))))


Engerlandia forza!

Are you watching?

 2 months ago  

The silly things people do and focus on instead of the thing they are being paid to do are funny. I guess we are quite vain of people!