Brain Dump | Morning Musings

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago (edited)


think you've inspired me a bit and since I've been thinking of revamping my personal branding and creation style a bit, I'll aim this style to experiment a bit.

I got that comment from @filoriologo and been thinking about how lately, I made the switch. Yes, I have changed and this new era of me trying new creation style and the aesthetic of my overall blog. It's still me, don't worry but it's the patient version of me. I will talk more about what I learned lately and how I am trying to incorporate it to my blog.


The version below is my typical thumbnail, all over the place and well no patience at all. I guess in the past, my time management was not that good and I always felt in a rush to create something. But these days after a few years of experimenting what works with the schedule in my life, I found the sweet spot where I have time for almost everything in my life.


Welcome to my brain dump, it’s morning and when I am able to sit down, sipping a cup of coffee while contemplating about life and emptying it out a little.

For me, content creation has been something that I enjoy doing. However a few months ago, I felt like stale and stuck. I no longer enjoyed it but kept pushing. After some pause after passing of several of my family members, I got more inspiration and the tipping point to change how I create blogs on hive. I am also slowly branching to video creation because it has been something I wanted doing but I had no confidence in doing that. These days, I am taking it a little further with it and working on it.

If you're seeing my brain dump lately, that just means, I am going to switch to color code of my thumbnail.

What I've been learning is that basically, typography and the color thumbnail can make or break your post. You might think I am so silly to spent an effort into my blog posts despite sometime it's not breaking $1 or something. In business perspective, it's utterly ridiculous but you see this is my analytics and part of my contribution to make Hive known into the world out there. What I am writing gets traffic and what you write gets traffic too.


Some of my older posts also receive that kind of traffic which I found pretty intriguing and my cafe reviews are well-indexed by google. I am building this as a personal portfolio just in case one day I might need it too.


I find in intriguing that my movie review from god knows when was a top performing last month. Who even reads that😂? but here's what I found it is in the first page of google search within that topic. Fun isn't it?


Seeing how those things are, brought me joys and that's my SDH (small definite happiness) that it was quite a dream of mine to get indexed properly on google 😂 and I've been getting them quite consistently too. So, you know there's a reward for writing well and while it might not be monetary, I can safely say I contribute bringing traffic here 🤣

Throughout my steemit/hive journey writing has been an in-between for me. I was in between school, in between relationship, in between my business, in between life & death, in between many things. It's like the bridge that connects me to other life's possibility and opportunities, whatever it may be. It's why I'll be always thankful of this space. It's also why I don't get caught up with politics of hive because that would ruin the fun of this space and the place I created for myself here.

I am happy progressing on my own with my own standard and everything. Do I sometimes wonder why I don't get reward? well yes it is definitely natural and humane. I think @namiks seen how sometimes I get obsessed with analyzing and tried what works/don't 😁 you will be baffled to know what I researched and managed to research haha.

I enjoy starting trends too. I remember people don't really put a footer like this and then everyone started doing it. Now you might have seen it all over the place.



Then, I might have inspired people doing some things that they find enjoyable, poking at @bertrayo that I got to know doing this morning coffee thingy. . It's brain dump and fun 😃 sometimes I find myself reflecting to what I wrote either with a cringe or happiness that I've grown as a person.


I don't get caught up expecting people to notice my contribution. I find that some people wanting that and personally it ruins the fun of the space. It's definitely not a financial advice because I might have been just reckless goofball kid trying to have fun in life. While I am pretty ambitious, I learned how to channel them well and distribute it properly these days.


I guess I talked too much that I finished my coffee quick. Anyway, the takeaway is just that have fun. Someone wise and a great person told me, if you're not enjoying life, you're doing it wrong.



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This is good to enjoy the blog ..rather than just pushing is only possible when we are always ready to learn new things and share our thoughts freely 😀

 2 months ago  

That's true! it's more fun when you genuinely feel it's enjoyable.

 2 months ago  

It's an interesting thought process. And makes me wonder if it's time to get to a new iteration of thumbnails for my blog. The one I'm using is already a year old and the way I write has changed since I've been posting for almost 2 years in a row by now.

Also, thanks for poking my brain into doing something different. I remember back when I had a "Thursdays are for rants" section. It was a lot of fun! 🤣

 2 months ago  

Maybe it's time to change 😄 we all need a little refresh.

 2 months ago  

Sure thing. I'll start with some fresh coffee to get that creativity up!