I have Covid, again

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago


I first had Covid around April, 2020, just as the outbreak was taking place in the United Kingdom. I went to a film production in London to which the owner of the house has mentioned having just returned from Italy. A place that wasn't doing too well around that time. About a week later I felt a few strange symptoms appear: muscle aches, fatigue, followed by thirst and what eventually felt like weight on my chest, which lasted a few days. The whole experience lasted about a week. I haven't been vaccinated since then, but my family working in the medical field have each slowly managed to get the virus either once or twice over the span of the two years. While I don't get out too much, I didn't always put in the effort to really protect myself from the virus either.

I recall walking through Soho around summer 2021 as the cafes were allowed to stupidly open up but only if they offered outdoor seating. The streets were full of people. So confined with crowds reduced to small lanes in the street in order to pass through. The day was warm, and I wore a mask until I have up due to the heat making it highly uncomfortable. Nothing happened as a result. I've got plenty of similar stories like this, to which I've roamed around busy locations and somehow managed to escape the virus. I've attended film shoots where others came out having obtained the virus there. I've been near family members that have obtained the virus and even despite close proximity I have managed to escape getting it again. Pure luck or perhaps some immunity that lasted, I don't know.

However, my mother had been experiencing a rough cough that has lasted for 12 days; due to her work she tests daily and each day came back with a negative result, until yesterday. It was a positive result, and throughout this duration I have been near her. Lately my sleep schedule hasn't been that great, I have been highly motivated with drawing and staying up late and waking up relatively late too. Though some might say I've stayed up until it reached what others would call early! Last night I was drawing in bed into the evening, knowing the positive result my mother had obtained but feeling relatively fine myself. Though around 1AM I felt much more tired than usual. A slight spaced-out vision as my pencil pressed against the paper, my eyes roaming from paper to screen to check the reference I was using. I knew that at that point something was off, but I shrugged it off as mere coincidence having really pushed myself to stay up late lately.

Following up to this morning. I woke up late again, and proceeded in my usual 'morning' activities. I made my coffee and sat at my desk, consuming the coffee slowly as I tried to work up the motivation to start drawing again. It didn't come. Instead I felt tired, similar to the night prior. Slow, incapable of really focusing, and generally feeling what felt like the gravitational pull of my bed. It didn't take me long to get back into bed, where I have been since. As the day progressed, as has my tiredness. The fatigue setting in with a similar feeling to when I come home from a 3-day film production: the lack of sleep, the carelessness for my body. And the snapping back it gives as my body seeks comfort in anything that could be used to sleep on.

The day went by without a whole lot of change. My throat feels somewhat off, a slight change that I wouldn't call an itch nor soreness. It hasn't really changed, though I have consumed a stupid amount of tea and water throughout the day, still getting up and moving around a little to make sure I drink and eat enough. This was met with the slow, familiar muscle aches that I can only compare to the first run through Covid I experienced; and aching in muscles that I feel I'm only now discovering I had. These muscles aches come and go at random intervals, in different parts of the body seemingly with no real cause behind it. It isn't too bad, from the first run through Covid it was quite an interesting experience honestly. These muscles aches made me realise more of what makes me, well, me. So far I don't really have any other symptoms. I fortunately still have my sense of smell and taste. I'm eating normally and drinking plenty. I hope I don't end up with a cough or sore throat just because in general I hate those. A sore throat is truly insufferable! But hey, this is an outcome of the virus spreading into the world.

Not being vaccinated was a choice I was comfortable making despite people trying to persuade me to get it. While I hate politics, the way it was used as a weapon was something I felt I could not support and comply with. I stand by that still, and will again in the future once this upcoming immunity is lost and the cycle repeats until it becomes another variation of flu we deal with this time of year like many others. That said, I probably won't be posting much if at all. I'll just stay in bed and relax, checking out new films and shows and catching up on that sleep I pushed aside recently. If I feel like it, perhaps I'll write little daily posts on the experience. I'm not sure I've seen others do that, perhaps it'll be fun here.

Anyway, goodbye for now! Hopefully this doesn't last too long and I can get back into things. I was looking forward to reviewing some film noir too!


If you have access to pine needles, tea of pine needles helps some covid patients enormously. For me, it was enough to behave as if I had the flu, which meant pretty much do nothing but get in bed, drink plenty of fluids, some salted broth, eat fruit when I was ready for it, and that was that. Easy peasy, and I'm in a supposedly high risk group, unjabbed. I hope your illness is as easy, or more easy, than mine was.

See you in a few days!

 2 years ago  

Great tips! We opted for things like zinc, vitamin C and quercertin (spelling) for preventives and plenty of water and sunlight. I hadn’t heard of the pine needle tea but that sounds good, plenty of pine trees here I’ll have to give it a try and look up a recipe. It’s amusing how the reality of the risk groups is completely opposite of what’s told to us peasants. If you did the opposite of what was dictated to you, you had a good chance of doing well in most cases.

 2 years ago  

I've been pretty much fine this whole time. I haven't had a whole lot to complain about really, haha. The aches aren't very frequent, my headache disappeared very fast, and the cough I have never really grew into anything more. I've been walking around and eating fine, the last 3 days almost feeling back to normal aside from some fatigue. Though I haven't even been sleeping a whole lot either, just chilling around in bed and drinking tons of water.

Today I'm at the point where I feel comfortable being back at the desk again, no discomfort at all in my chest and my vision seems to be better. Though I'm still coming up positive in the tests with a few minor symptoms that are no big deal. ;^)

given how some people I know have been going post-vax I'm really glad we didn't despite/because of increasingly desperate attempts to force all "non-compliant" people into it at any and all cost by our useless excuse for a government x_x

Hopefully it's a bit less annoying for you this time round :) My entire house got covid earlier in the year. A couple of months ago my daughter said she thought she had it again, barely had cold symptoms, only one that stood out was she couldn't taste things or they tasted funny, and that may have lasted a few days tops.

Unless the nanobots in the spike proteins are released around that time I don't think we'll be able to differentiate it from other colds/flus in the near future XD

just in case new-to-me people aren't used to my humour, I am (hopefully) being facetious

 2 years ago  

I think the best way forward is to just let it become part of that usual flu cycle yeah. Of course certain groups will benefit from the vaccines but then young and healthy can go about life as usual. I've definitely had far worse illnesses before, I can say that now after having had this twice.

I don't think it can be stopped from becoming part of the usual flu cycle 😅

 2 years ago  

Yep! You know, these last few weeks I've seen so many people saying they've got a cold or flu. All with the same symptoms. Quite interesting to see how many people already forgot about it. I even told one person I had been dealing with it and they, and I'm not joking, replied saying that they had no idea Covid still existed...

That made me burst out laughing 🤣

 2 years ago  

Feel better man! I’m glad you stuck to your principles and resisted it. We need to stand up for our principles now more than ever! If we don’t then the next generations won’t know what those principles are or ever existed.

It sounds like you’ve got a decent routine, try to add some basic vitamins to it and you’ll be in good shape. C and zinc and D are perfect to help through it and pretty cheap!

 2 years ago  

Yeah I haven't been too bad. The last 3 days I've been almost back to normal, just a bit tired and with a very, very minor cough. All the worst stuff came about in the first night and disappeared a few hours later. I was pretty surprised to wake up the following day feeling so well.

First time around it was similar, I just had muscle aches and fatigue, then in the last day I had the feeling of weight on my chest. This time I've mostly been tired. None of the symptoms have been that intense, but I'm taking things slow still while the tests are still positive.

Going through this a second time though has definitely made me realise I made the right choice in rejecting the fear-mongering surrounding the vaccines. The average healthy person won't need them. I can see that for those with pre-existing health conditions and poor fitness it might help given this is a respiratory illness, though I've heard a lot of people say that the vaccines made them feel worse than actually having the illness did.

Ah well, this won't be the last time I get it either. Only way forward is to let it become part of the typical flu cycle each year.

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