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RE: Bored with Society's Inertia in Awareness

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 months ago

The more time goes on the less I feel able to relate to other people and what they are talking about.

I find that I grow more tired of talking to people and more interested in just observing people these days. I find it more engaging to just look around and try to summarise people and understand them than to have any interest in talking to them. Sometimes I come across interesting people, but a lot of the time they are very much stuck within a certain mindset, the way in which society has hammered a very simplistic worldview into them that they can't shake up. This idea that everything is so black and white, not even down to politics but even in the sense of pursuing their own interests.

I read a book called Man's Search for Himself by Rollo May that went into this sort of conditioning. The idea that people get so stuck into a routine and way of life, that they really don't see themselves escaping it even if they hate it and want to escape it. Everyone seems to run around so oblivious to everything these days, and it's so odd to see. Especially when you'd think having the Internet at your grasp could lead to learning more. Instead it just contributes to that self-imprisonment. It exacerbates things because their view of the world becomes even smaller, stuck within a few apps that only show them what they want to see and hear. Never really allowing them to put it down and start thinking for themselves.

In regards to politics these days, I have a burning hatred for all politicians at this point. I can't consider myself to be on any 'side' or supporting any of them. And it's weird to see people so passionate about their side, their views and assumptions of what's good and bad. I try to avoid politics as a result. Sometimes I start to think that if I had any power, it'd be really hard to not just go full genocidal maniac. The idea that drastic changes need to be made to push us all out of this insanity.


well put!

for me the jury is still out whether people are being shoved into that awakening on purpose. i feel they probably are. neither incompetency nor arrogance can accurately describe the madness we witnessed on a societal scale in recent years. i feel this idiot test (like all idiot tests) have been erected on purpose, to make people wake up from delegating their authority to others, or plainly vanish from earth.

this then would mean the most anti-human developments on the world stage are ultimately orchestrated out of... compassion for people. in order to force them to grow up or die in the process.

questionable methods, the end does not justify the means... but i do see it happening and i wonder about it.

the 'alternative media' doesn't like the idea at all because 'black and white' thinking. but whoever ultomately calls the shots on the world stage... does seem to have a plan. arguably for centuries if not millenia.

a pleasure to meet you, and thanks for sharing your thoughts

 2 months ago  

for me the jury is still out whether people are being shoved into that awakening on purpose.

I think there's a mixture of manipulative acts taking place around the world for various agendas. I think one aspect of it is the very liberal side of things that you find in the west that the East may frown upon. Part of it is that it makes it easier for a population to see a common enemy with the government that enables certain justifications, another is that it serves as a counter to the opposition's manipulative acts that may be seeking to remove elements of identity in people. After all, the removal of culture and identity contributes to a more globalist, universal population.

And all parties want part of that globalisation, just to be one of the few that really calls the shots in it. Which means gaining an edge over the rest. China's globalisation is through its production of goods and encourages dependence on them through tech in other nations. This is where that more left leaning narrative comes from in the west. It really is all a game, and you can tell when it comes to bigger conflicts between nations as you realise that politicians really are just crooks. An things like the UN are mostly just a nonsensical facade of structure and sophistication in the modern world when really it's just elites getting together in a room and all saying "Wow, that's bad! Anyway..."