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RE: Tethered to the bad

Wow. This is shocking. I just went through his post now and the user is not even one of the people I'm following, thankfully. This is the first time I am seeing his posts and good to see that he has been muted in all his posts.

A simple apology would do. I don't want to agree that he didn't know what he did wrong. I believe he knows and he expects people to be okay with it and turn a blind eye. This is sad... Really sad.

This is why it's important to read before joining a platform. I am sure whoever unboarded him must have told him Hive frowns at this. There is no one I bring on Hive that I don't tell the importance of proper sourcing and using your own content. This is not good at all. Rather than respond like a reasonable person he decided to react and made a fool of himself.

Like you have said, it's sad because he would probably have created another account by now under the pretext of a different person and hope to go unnoticed doing the same thing again.

I sincerely have no words and I'm deeply sorry because the action of this one person would rightfully reflect on others but I take solace in the fact that I don't even know him neither have I even followed him. Such a person shouldn't be associated with. It's sad.

 2 years ago  

Actions like this usually demonstrate a person's character and that's exactly what this person did. He had an opportunity to rectify his problem, to learn from the mistake and move forward, but instead he decided to default to his natural state, nothing more than filth.

That's why someone like that can never grow. With an attitude like that? He would be learning from his mistakes a hard way...

I always appreciate your guidance sir and I agree not everyone will take it but for the sake of us that would, please don't stop.

 2 years ago  

People like this fellow will always moan and grumble about getting nowhere in life; they will always blame others, attack others, tear others down...rather than lifting themselves, taking ownership and responsibility for their forward progression. As time passes they will look back and do the same, never for a moment looking at themselves and seeing that they are to blame.

People like him would never look into the mirror. Everything is everyone's fault except their own. This is why not everyone deserves pity because we don't know how terrible they have been with the learning process.