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RE: Introducing the Ranting, Complaining or Talking Community!

Thanks guys, I am probably mental @galenkp @cmplxty
Right now I'm on a HIVE downer, but it's the one thing I won't rant about as I don't want to add to any stupid infighting or discontent. I would lvoe to rant about it but don't think it's the place. But don't worry, I'll find just the thing for community.

 3 years ago  

Yeah I know what you mean! All good though, when you want it will be here for whatever you need. I'd like to think others can use it once they are aware of the space to just talk about anything in their mind!

 3 years ago  

I'm sure you'll find something that's rant-worthy River, I have faith in you. :)

Also, it's ok to be on a hive downer...Go outside, take your shoes and socks off and do some grounding...Find your central point, breathe some fresh air and bask in the sun...You'll feel better. Then when you feel better-enough you can come back to hive and resume where you left off. 😉

Oh yeah, I'm really good at that!