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RE: Tethered to the bad

Perhaps because they're worried they'll be attacked with such vitriol as well. I think a lot of people choose to remain quiet rather than risk being the target of abuse themselves. I'd say it's also because it's a small account that hasn't been around that long - perhaps not many people have seen it or, given his post is zeroed out, figure no more action is necessary. I guess it's the bystander effect.

It's been a disappointing week for plagiarism on the blockchain, especially with the other account we all kinda fell in love with and that is now in question.

It's far more courageous to say 'I'm sorry for my mistake' whether it's intentional or not, or voice polite disagreeance, than shirtfront like that with such viciousness. IT does say a lot about the person in question. I've certainly had little hissy fits when I've been reprimanded for unintentionally breaking rules, but I would never speak to anyone like this. I always wonder how his parents have raised him and indeed what the culture is like, especially for men, who seem to the the vast majority of ones who retaliate so aggressively.

Sometimes it's like that game of whackamole here - no sooner than one is dealt with than another pops up in it's place. Focussing on the good folk here keeps me sane, that's for sure.

 2 years ago  

I value ownership and, as you say, a genuine comment taking responsibility and showing remorse, asking how to do it better, will go a long way towards repairing damage, or at least moving things in the right way. It often garners support from me. Vitriol...Well, that clearly does the opposite.

Plagiarism affects everyone on the blockchain as it takes rewards from those who do the right thing and makes the blockchain look like a terrible place, a joke. It should never be tolerated and should be called out by everyone that respects the blockchain.

Just on your comment about reprisal abuse...This is what's wrong with society. People don't stand up against the bad, don't intervene for fear of personal loss...Thankfully some do though, imagine a society in which no one stood tall against bad behaviour. It would be chaos, more chaos than we have currently, I mean.

Plagiarism affects everyone on the blockchain as it takes rewards from those who do the right thing and makes the blockchain look like a terrible place, a joke. It should never be tolerated and should be called out by everyone that respects the blockchain.


 2 years ago  

Ah I’m missing the stuff going on! What account was involved in plagiarism?

Thenortherner was the other one.