Duvet Covers Are A Scam...

real talk: duvet covers are a scam. change my mind.

somehow, I ended up back staying with my parents at age 39. (yay. note: sarcasm.) since the plan was for it to be just for a short time, i've been sleeping on an air mattress with sleeping bag. though as it's been nearing four months and feels the energy hasn't been guiding for any moves yet, the setup's become increasingly uncomfortable - to the point it's time for an upgrade.


mattress. duvet. sheets. and then... the scam: duvet cover.

i got into bamboo sheets while in Vancouver a few years ago. natural. soft as fuck. quite lovely. found a nice set for $49, so got them.

but when it comes to a duvet cover from same material and quality... double the price.

but think about it:

a set of sheets includes a fitted sheet, flat sheet, and two pillow cases...

a duvet cover set includes a single duvet cover and two pillow cases...

the exact same damn amount of material.

the large piece simply sewed into one, while the sheets are in two.

so double the price...???


but what ya gonna do?

fucking capitalism. 🖕




We stopped using duvet covers a while ago. We don't use the regular sheet either. We just use a fitted sheet, then we each have our own blanket so we don't have to fight for the covers all the time. It works out well for us. We did used to have duvet covers, but nixed that for some unknown reason. Probably because they are so expensive!

Over here we can find the options for unsewn duvet covers, which come cheaper than ready-made and finished ones, but still not twice as cheap though. :D
And then you have to try your best not to mess it up by sewing that huge of a fabric.. that.. that reminds me, I should really learn to properly sew.. :D
Might come in handy if the world really decides to go to hell in a handbasket. xD


 last year  

Yeah those things are fucking lame lol. We have them but I want to throw them out. I don’t think we’ve had bamboo sheets yet but I want to get a set when we move into a real house.

definitely try find some and feel them out in-person tho... i've had my hands on a few and they're not all the same. especially with buying anything online, you don't know - so good if can get yours hands on a few in the store to feel out which are the 'good' ones. (and probably aim for 100% bamboo, as there's alot mixed with polyester too - though some people don't care)

 last year  

Cool thanks! We used bamboo for our son when he was an infant, we used bamboo inserts for his cloth diapers and bamboo wipes for his butt. Still have the wipes since those things are fantastic! Washed them for years and they are still mostly held together! I know the feel of them on the wipe and it's amazing, I can only imagine how it is with sheets lol

I swear on Egyptian cotton but will try the natural bamboo :)

that seems to be the common thinking, and thus sorta what i expected too... though after i bought the bamboo ones (for $49), went and checked out a bunch of egyptian cotton that were like $300-400, and I still found the bamboo ones to be softer. lol. 🤷‍♂️

for now I am fine with the Ikea Cotton 😃

whatever works.

I'd bought (what I thought were) a bamboo set last summer that were on a super good sale... my mom took a look at the label a couple days ago and said they were MICROFIBER! Thought they didn't feel as soft as bamboo should... what shady fucks marketing microfiber as bamboo! But worked for the time i used them nonetheless. 😹

 last year  

Preach on the Egyptian cotton! Lol

So many scams😩