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RE: Something Sweet and Luscious

The truth is that I didn't even measure my ingredients. I was adding ingredients as the spirit led. I had mixed too much flour making the cake have a hard exterior. The sugar I put in was too much. I didn't use baking powder. A lot of things were wrong with the cake.

That's a proper baking ignorance right there! How dear you! For the love of Cake Lord! 🤣
Only thing I can say - you deserved to eat all those pieces by yourself, as a atonement!

It is great you didn't stop there! I bet your desserts are now delicious:)


For the love of Cake Lord! 🤣

I'm sure that I wronged the cake lord with the disaster that I called cake😂😂

Reveal spoiler

I bet your desserts are now delicious:)

Yes they are, to an extent 😅😅 I'm still learning tho

 last year (edited) 

I'm sure that I wronged the cake lord with the disaster that I called cake😂😂

You definitely did!

Yes they are, to an extent 😅😅 I'm still learning tho

It is impossible to be good ad something like baking, without training and without any burned cakes. It is helpful if you have someone to test it on:) Preferably someone patient, understanding and very hungry!

Preferably someone patient, understanding and very hungry!

The "very hungry" part is really necessary 😂