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RE: Where did the time go?

I can totally relate. Seems like time is just flying by lately. I was just thinking about this myself.

For me, a lot of it is just the social environment in general. We are living in strange times. It seems like it's just one thing after another. Viruses, wars, economy, supply chain issues, worry, etc... This is FUD on a whole other level.

With that said, I think it wears on our motivation and energy levels. At least for me, I think this is a huge factor. Personally, I just try to snap myself out of it and push forward. Not much else you can do. Slog through, fake it till you make it, and just force myself forward until momentum begins to build and motivation rises again naturally.

 2 years ago  

Yeah, definitely. We live in strange time where suddenly the virus didn't matter anymore after halting everything for 2 years. It's pure craziness. Now, we suddenly don't have to wear masks, no more tests, while in the past, it was enforced like crazy & so many overreaction to it.

Same tho, I try snapping out of it and just focusing on what I can. I limit my exposure to news these days too.