I Should Be Sleeping

I should be sleeping. Allowing my body to rest and my mind to dream. Today was quite hectic, I awoke late and because of it, my morning was rushed. Rushing is not something that I like to do. I much prefer easing myself into the day. But alas it was not to be. After a breakfast of hot porridge myself and my two eldest daughters, made our way into town.


It’s gotten quite a bit cold now, especially in the mornings, as though someone just flipped a switch and winter arrived. Which I really don’t mind, as long as I am prepared. As in being appropriately dressed. The mornings and nights are cold, but the afternoons can be quite warm. Layering works best for this.

Town is always busy on a Thursday as it is market day. After dropping one of my daughters off with a friend, my eldest and I headed to the market. I like to get my fruit and veg from local growers, a family I have been buying from for the past few years. They greet me warmly and I buy what I need.

I am buying more produce of late, as I am no longer active in the garden, but hopefully that will change soon, as I have been feeling out of sorts for a while now. No doubt because my hands are not working with the soil.

Today is the day I plan to move my truck, to a different spot on the land, so my aim was to spend just a short time in town. But this also does not go as planned and I find myself helping out a friend, which I am more than happy to do.

I also really enjoy having time, just for me and my eldest daughter. I’m really trying to have more one on one time, with the three of them. I know how important that is. Trying to just let somethings slide, so that I can prioritize the time I have. Without letting myself become overwhelmed.


But as I stood outside today, surveying my home and the belongings I have gathered, which is mostly plants and outdoor furniture ( with an emphasis on the plants), it was hard not to feel overwhelmed. Thinking of what I still have to do and what I would really love to achieve.

Whilst holding everything else at bay. Aware that my girls bare witness to how well I deal under pressure. Which varies really, but one thing that I always do, is share how I am feeling. Letting them know if I am frustrated or exhausted, I feel this is the best thing for them and for me.

I’m not a feckin super hero, who can just breeze through each day, with no cracks appearing. I have some mighty big cracks and I ain’t afraid to share them. I just want to be real with them and not have them growing up wearing rose tinted glasses, thinking life is a piece of cake.

It is many things. Amazing, frightening, exhilarating, exhausting, adventurous, painful and so much fun, plus so much more. Today I think I experienced it all, leaving me feeling drained, but also pretty impressed with how the day actually turned out and how much I actually managed to get done.

Now I just need to sleep, so that I can awake refreshed tomorrow and finish off what I started.


Ah, the balance between being calm and getting shit done hey?

You're such a great Mum.

Thank you beautiful xxxxx

Yeah I think it’s great to have some rest and kick off again.

It’s bound to happen that way and that what we call the unknown future. If it was clearer to us then we won’t bother stressing ourselves.

Yes we are learning all of the time xx

 last year  

Trying to give them the time they need individually while also getting things done is tricky indeed! My son isn’t as old yet but he does require his individual time with us when we aren’t doing something and I can tell it’s important for him in lots of ways, but the house is just such a damn mess all the time lol it’s hard to do all that plus clean up. Just one never ending bit of chaos :D

It looks like you’ve found a fun place to drop your posts, appreciate you considering the community here :D

Yes it is hard to fit everything in, I have learned to be a bit more easy going with myself, I can only do what I can do. Thanks @cmplxty and yes I am enjoying the community, fits me well I think xxx

All I can say is, your girls are so lucky to have you🫶🏽

Ah thank you @smariam xxxx

Damn it got cold pretty quick; didn't it?

Hope you're all good cheers!!! Are you all ready to move to to other spot?

When you are in a hurry, your heart beats irregularly, usually followed by a feeling of panic and anxiety.
Relaxing is actually very good, but if you relax too much, the work won't get done on time.

Finding that balance is important x