Little Change To Go Forward And Develop

Miracles can happen without our expecting, expecting humans to be an unpleasant thing, disappointment awaits us there, stop hoping and trying to be independent and become a strong person is a separate benchmark in assessing an ability.

Being a parasite is not always fun, living parasites are attached to other people's lives, changing habits is not impossible. get up, slowly stand up and then run, confident that you can do this is the key to this.

Some say, for example, spiders live by knitting their webs to ensnare their prey, that is a great effort, perfection is not fully owned by every living creature, but hoping and waiting for insects to pass is not strong enough to make spiders an example in this story.



Bees can be the main actors in this story, this hard worker does not know the word give up, the main actors in helping the pollination process are also producers of honey, beneficial for themselves as well as other creatures, a very good life.

Being a role model makes the bees forget themselves and become more active at work, arrange a schedule to go home on time and rest, and return to their activities in the morning walking around to beautiful flowers, sucking nectar and collecting honey, really a very busy life.

However, this is inseparable from the good cooperation between them, in the morning they leave the hive, work individually and remain loyal to bring honey back to the hive and gather with their team to protect the hive.

Bees are a special lesson that can be learned, live mingled with a team but work individually without hope, and this is a hive blog, we have a community subscription that we choose as a place to live with our team and look for what we need and many people and return to the community and mingle there enjoying the results and benefits together.

It takes hard and consistent work here, the rules that are made are varied and strange, with the same goal, namely not to be broken, but the rules are actually made for discipline and closing the gaps for something negative so that it doesn't get there like plagiarism and so on, the owner gradually changing the rules so that stability is maintained.

Sorry in advance, for example the rules require us to be active in the community and comment on posts, all community participants read the rules in great detail and follow them.

But disappointment awaits there, sometimes certain people comment on a post without reading what the contents of the article are, maybe only after seeing the picture or post title.

But this is not a wrong action and not a violation, they are quite good at commenting and enlivening the community, after posting and going to bed it is also not considered a right act.

Sitting with a cup of coffee will look more relaxed and enjoyable while opening a blog. Reading posts slowly and then commenting might look a little more logical, but commenting without reading it first might be a shame, without realizing you've missed something big there.

Being a wise personality is a goal, but a few bad habits if you are comfortable there will result in something even worse in the future, but this cannot be separated from your own self-study which path you want to take.



Some climbers have reminded you, which path should you choose, continue to the top or Back down can also free fall into the abyss, it's a choice.

Let's make a change, standing for a moment in front of the mirror may be a little useful in examining every flaw and a mistake.

Rules have been made to be followed or violated into separate judgments to achieve goals, but a little selfishness must be balanced here, humility and respect for always doing good must be put forward.

A little mental preparation in dealing with disputes due to violations of the rules that could have occurred, the point is that it must be avoided, we humans are social creatures who always interact with both humans and nature.

And this is all I can offer, a few excerpts from my observations on our beloved platform #hiveblog.

 2 years ago  

Rules are meant to be bent and broken :D.

It’s tricky indeed to go around and engage in as many posts as we can and be effective at other things in life and on hive. I skim read and try to gather salient points from a post without going through every word, knowing that I’ve got a few more to check out before signing off for a while. With that being said though, one of the things to keep in mind is that some people might not speak the language. For example I found one user that was commenting “nice post” or “nice pictures” on my posts and I was a little annoyed. I gave him a good look though and found out that he doesn’t speak English very well and saw my content and enjoyed the pictures but didn’t know everything I said. I felt better knowing that he was making an effort to be active and engage in the way that he can, which was limited. He could certainly translate it all with a translator and may do that but that’s a lot of effort. Point being, before I judge someone and take a negative action against them I’ve learned that it’s a good idea to look around and see what they are like. I also drop them a comment to give a tip at how to engage to be effective and it’s worked numerous times which is great!

Reading everyone's character is really needed in this case to avoid a little friction, but if in a post we find 5 people with comments like that it might be a little disturbing.

Yes.. I agree with the tips, and it's very well directed and far from failing.