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RE: You’re on a vacation right?

in Rant, Complain, Talk2 years ago

In fact, I have a better way to stay away from my laptop more than if I was staying at my own place. In my own place because I often have nothing to do during the day and it doesn’t get me tired enough, I would still up until 2 Am and hardly stopped. So, in a way, Bali has given me more balanced life than I actually did back home or even years ago.

Glad to hear this.

You are living a pretty special life, for a person your age and I applaud you for that as it is based on the choices that you've made so far.

Pretty inspiring :<)

 2 years ago  

It's not a special life at all, sometimes I feel like a misfit floating around this space being wasteful of resources. But then, I realized I worked my ass off in the past just to afford the life I have now and if all goes south, I can always start over, from ground 0.

 2 years ago  

It is as special as you make it. In fact, we're all living unique, special lives.

said the philosoraptor

And yes! you can always start over. Everything is a choice, no matter how hard it is to see or believe that at times ;<)