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RE: 📷#MarketFriday Buying Rapsberry Pi and setting up | 买 树莓派后设置😎(by @ace108)

in Market Friday4 years ago

Thanks for coming by and the tip.
I'll need to get another keyboard to hook up the device to make it easier to access.
I heard they are attacking the stats post that deem as automated and just whacking everything.
I write script to extract the data from hivesql provided by arcange which I pay 40 HBD per month but the stats posts at different channel are posted manually.
For selffish reason, I hope they find someone else to bully.
For now, my job involve in moving COVID-19 patients and my blog contest posts is moving house time to and stats posts is moved house to
If the stats channel become not worth it, I'll have to stop subscribe to arcange's database.
It's sad but i'm restructuring and see if things are still worth it.
Otherwise, I may power down and stop the #beautifulsunday and the contest if this crap keeps happening.