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RE: Byrd's Bakery: One Cookie at a Time

Well at that time of night one (me) shouldn't try to satisfy those craving because A) one (me) might have already done that one too many times...B) someone (me again..🙄..) would have to buy some elephant sized scales off the net C) If I started, I'd still be awake and trying to satisfy them in the morning too...(hence the elephant scales...)

Anyhooo, let's not go there...again...please...

And yes, the rich history that I have heard about in some of Clive Cusslers adventure novels...which is exactly WHY I WANT/NEED to go and see it all for myself!


It's all true!!!! Clive doesn't lie!!! 😁

Lolsz I know he doesn't- well didn't...and I'm sure his son Dirk Cussler is weaving incredible, but true tales about Virginia into the new stories too! 😃

Wish I had time to read them!

And wish I had time (and the $$$$$) to go there!