
yes but when a bot is used it has to have a number to calculate and it is uses 2. The ...2 to 3 ... is nonsense and what I expect now, it is either 2 or 3 and for the bot to do what it does it is 2 just like for us.

Hehe, morning morning morning Super Ed! You're right the bot will pop up on the count of 2 but just because the bot shows doesn't mean the post won't be voted, although I hate to see it popping, LOL.

I hope you enjoy today a lot as I saw you have great weather. Here on the other hand it is very cloudy.

Have an awesome week, Super Ed! 🤗

That 2 3 bot not bot is typical of you know who and I see Lizzie did put in artywink and it was upvoted and no message from bot!
Wtf really!

Jaja!!! Good for her and Artywink
I have noticed that the robot is sometimes a bit temperamental. 🤣🤣

A bit temperamental ... that is effed up, so put in and risk a bollocking haha

Haha, one plus one minus, what's the difference 🤣 we keep on :)

onwards and upwards Super Eli and Have a magical Monday!