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RE: Market Friday get Cultured

in Market Friday4 years ago

I have as I sponsored it. I just don't show up as Friday is my big day! :)) I guess you and everyone else is right. If it's not broke, don't try to fix it. I just didn't want people to feel cheated as I only have so big an upvote to cover it all (and #alwaysaflower) and they all do so much work to put them together.

Oh, you know there will lots more flowers! They are hitting their stride now! I know you curate more than entering challenges except for the one as noted, but, I appreciate your words and advice. Always. Haha, with the Malamute. I have sen Huskies both ways... so it must be a genetic thing, not the breed. Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!
