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RE: Curaçao, Market Friday Style

in Market Friday4 years ago (edited)

Haha! You and me both, Tom! @bigtom13 I haven't been to the hairdressers since the outbreak. I really need to just do it! That barbershop was so old school! I loved all the men that went there to socialize and get four hairs trimmed off. Just like going to Petticoat Junction! :))

I have an old GPS that I will loan to people when they are visiting if their car doesn't have one. Getting lost is where I have found my best places to explore too! Ha! I am totally hopeless, but, it has never bothered me. I have just accepted it as part of my life.

I love Curacao. The people, the way they live and breathe life into everything they do. Some days, I think our country needs to take a page out of their book.

I want to thank you for stopping by and leaving your words. They are definitely appreciated! Have a great weekend, Tom! @bigtom13
