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RE: Facts From Our Little Coffee Shop

in Market Fridaylast year

I am so glad you like the comments. It is fun to engage with you as you appear interested in what I am saying. It feels like I am having a conversation that we have been carrying on for years! :) Gosh, I met you so long ago, Dan. Long ago in social media years.

I have never been good at lengthy posts, mine are shorter and less personal most times. I cannot tell you why except that I don't have exciting things to write about. Most times. People don't want to hear if I go on an exotic vacation, and why would they? Most don't want to see something that may be out of their price range. Can I blame them? Sometimes it is fun, but, I want everyone to feel comfortable, so I try to keep it more generic. Most times. Sometimes, I just go ahead and write something different.

Have they given you medication for this? Beta Blocker or channel blocker? Although it is a long-term condition, he probably gave you guidelines on how to manage it. This will help you to continue a long and active life. There are things that you can do that will help you manage your condition, lower your risk of stroke and relieve any of your worries.


I have never been good at lengthy posts, mine are shorter and less personal most times.

This is where I'm confused too. First of all, I ask myself from the very beginning why would anyone be interested in my life, ours. On the other hand, everything I read here refers to what the author has done before. Almost all of us write the same... unfortunately, I can't really write generalities but I'm ashamed to write about myself as if I'm praising myself. I don't want that but when I see comments from which I understand that even my modest lifestyle and level of possibilities is not accessible to some people, I am ashamed...

You've seen it too, I love to tell stories about my favorite coffee shop and coffee. It's a pleasure of ours and not exactly cheap. For what I pay for two cappuccinos at the cafe I could drink 60 Nesspreso-compatible coffees at home, but I love going to the cafe. Someone commented that a cappuccino seems to be very good, that there are many coffee shops where she lives but she has never had a cappuccino because it is too expensive..., and I was ashamed that I wrote so much about my coffee... I would have liked to write about someone else, not me, but I don't know how to do that.

About long and short posts! I write long posts not because I have a lot to say, I go on and on with all sorts of flourishes and superfluous stuff. Lots of work that nobody cares about. I try to look for as minimal a format as possible, after all, my last post (on Market Friday) produced a $6 payout for almost 1800 words, I say that because I keep trying to find a match between value, size, effort, and reward. I can't find it! Then, logically, I have to find the formula where I put less effort and time because the rewards will be almost the same...

I mention rewards because they are important to me. I think for most people here. I think of accumulating this money as a reserve fund, for special needs... I've actually used some of the money and it's come in very handy. That's what I've wanted to ask your opinion about for a long time. I don't have time to go into it now, but maybe another time.

As for heart medication, I have a blood anticoagulant (for the rest of my life), a blood pressure medication, and a cholesterol medication.

I mention rewards because they are important to me. I think for most people here. I think of accumulating this money as a reserve fund, for special needs... I've actually used some of the money and it's come in very handy. That's what I've wanted to ask your opinion about for a long time. I don't have time to go into it now, but maybe another time.

I didntvwant you to think I didnt see this. You can direct message me on discord at @dswigle3637 or email me. Or just ask. You know you can ask me anything.

I hope yoor week is going well.