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RE: Market Friday and Boarding a Horse

in Market Friday4 years ago

Thank you, lady! Henry and his stepsister can be a handful on a bad day, but, everyone in the family likes to ride and groom them, so it is worth it. I never thought we would have to board, but, it really has been interesting looking at all the facilities.

I hope you are doing well and that your mom is too. I think of her often and keep her in my prayers. xo

#MarketFriday loves you!



Where have you had him and why can't he stay there ? I know that's not my business, but I am just curious.

Previously? They were at the ShoreHouse, in Texas the barn was right there...Two of them were even in North Carolina for a while! Here, where I am now, they were at my friends for a short while and they have been in a self-care facility. Like renting a room, but, it was so close, I could walk. The cost is more than I want, but, one of the girls started showing and so we needed better facilities.

I live in a gated community that does not have allowances for horses, barns, or the like. It's against the HOA! However, we all get our fresh eggs from the farmer who lives not too far from here! LOL

Sometimes in life, we have to make compromises we didn't think we would have to. Have a great day!

HOAs don't allow much of anything ! I rarely ever say never about things, because by this time I have done many things I said I'd never do snicker..... but.... My brother lives in a place with an HOA and you can't even put a kiddie pool in your yard for the grands for a few hours, even if you were going to dump it and take it up immediately when done. What ?? Too many rules and I don't ever think I would pay for a a place to live (like owning it, not renting).... where there were THAT many rules.

I do understand some of the horse type things with space and all that..... but for real, time to sell and move to the ranch....LOL

The HOA here isn't too bad, I can even have a hottub if I want. A shed, but, alas, no barn. Well, I do have a nice place over at the shore that is being renovated (again) but, the reason he isn't over there is I don't live there full time. So that is a problem. Although, he was born over there and spent much time there. I am still tied to here for now, but, you know. Here today, moved tomorrow... :)

I would never want to live in a place with that strict of an HOA. Most are not that way and to be honest, I don't mind this one. Many places don't allow horses, nothing to do with land, just city ordinances. LOL

The big dude came from my brother who passed away. Didn't have the heart to let him go, but, another family member is interested in him. Sharing is caring. The mare is someone who is still living in Europe and will be back in four months, so life will be back to Henry someday! :)