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RE: Travel with Market Friday

in Market Friday4 years ago

Well, you could take any one of those and get the color you want, I was just showing off what they had available. And yes, trendy it really best if you will want to sell it, or trade it. We had a 36 foot where I took leave, then I took the kids on the road myself and homeschooled as I went along, a few years back. Maybe even a couple more than that! We went everywhere, had geography, history, and real-life lessons on the road. Ten years before that, we had done it in Europe from September to July one year. They were young but, have such great memories of that time. I actually can leave work, but, I am waiting a bit on the corona virus. And then, I am pretty sure, I might. I won't say will because you just never know... but, all indications are, I am going to leave. I'm fortunate and I know it.

You wouldn't want to live in one full time. I would never. I still like a house. There is something more permanent about it. Hey, you! Thanks for stopping by and leaving your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!



I don't know, there are folks going for those little houses these days and these really aren't smaller and not only that, if you decide you don't like the neighborhood your in, you just drive away !

Haha!! Now, that is true!! And it is true, they are bigger than tiny houses, which are adorable, but, I don't want to make my bed every week on my knees. None of the bedrooms have a ceiling high enough to stand. No thank you.

My first question on the little houses is.... where am I going to paint??? LOL

I do kind of like the ones that look like a gypsy caravan.

Those are so cool and the little houses are so expensive!!! You have to paint at the kitchen table or an easel. No room for anything!