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RE: Toy Cars Now Collectables

in Market Friday2 years ago

How cool are these toys, Joan? @joanstewart These are truly awesome! My brothers had Hot Wheels, but, later in years than these and they didn't have their own boxes! I love that yours did. That makes them even more special. I looked up just the jaguar and it looks like it is worth a bit of money, how fun will that be finding the right person that will pay its value. I just looked up the American version of them (Matchbox) and was shocked! They did have boxes, but, only up until 1969 or1970, so says Google.

There are a number of Matchbox models that could be worth thousands of dollars; especially if they were issued in the '60s and they're in great shape. I found some here in 2018, seems they were worth much more. Must have been more money back then. I have also saved little things like this from when my kids were small, metal Tonka Trucks(they are all plastic now) and the requisite Barbie dolls... but, I don't see young people saving things as we did if my older nieces and nephew are an example. They seem to like new. :/ Anyway, it was so fun to read your post and look up our own version of these things. :) Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday! I cannot tell you how pleased I am to see so many participating every week. I have learned so much about the different cultures of the world, especially the small things that go unnoticed except by those looking for it. Life is interesting, wherever you are, whatever you are doing.

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Finding collectors who really would enjoy them would be great, have looked into some sites where they congregate.

Started to photograph, label and sort, something we need to do before searching for ardent collectors.

Thanks for visit and yes the old toys do have some excellent resale value Denise.

Funny, it wasnt what I was thinking of when I started collecting them!

Good luck to you!

We kept collection to hand down to sons, if they move, have indicated they not taking much with them.