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RE: Market Friday get Cultured

in Market Friday4 years ago

It is! Believe me, I had no idea before I met him either. I am in love with cultures! It gives me so much pleasure to meet, experience, and find a common ground with people of different cultures. It is so interesting to see how much we are different and on the other hand, how much we are alike.

We are human, that is the bottom line.

If you get a chance to post, it is always fun, but, no stress, otherwise, it becomes a chore, not a labor of love. Or fun. :))

Thank you! I love flowers! They add so much beauty and color to my day! Thank you for stopping by and sharing your words.

#MarketFriday loves you!



You are absolutely right and yes, in the end, we are human and that's all matters...
Happy weekend dear... Enjoy your day...

Thank you so much! xoox