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RE: Shopping for hot days / 38度に備えたお買い物

in Market Friday11 months ago

Ice cream scoopers are important! :) I never put mine in the dishwasher. They have always had a disclaimer on them, so I have always hand-washed them. Except for the ones I grew up with. My mom put hers in the dishwasher, so I have to believe it was different.

I never thought it was a difficult task of replacing mine until I went looking for one. It wasn't as easy as I had believed. I didn't find one that felt right.

Your fan was really classy looking! The smart styling really caught my eye. Does it work well, pushing enough air? I liked those red pants that you turned into shorts. I will try to remember to check the whole article out on Needlework Monday. I have don't that before, especially with pants that have done their time and are no longer needed. But shorts? Yes! A new life!

The salad looked delicious! Good luck at the Market! Thank you for sharing !!

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday


I'm happy to read that you agree with that it is not easy to find the best ice cream scoopers. I didn't know that I cannot put them in the dish washer ... ;)

Saturday market was quiet since people start going out the city for vacation. But I enjoy calm market as well as I have more time to see products, chat with visitors and people from other stands. And I think I could make the scooper break even by selling ice cream 😁

Thank you for hosting Market Friday and have a nice weekend @dswigle!

Thank you! I guess some of them you can, but, some have the liquid inside which cannot go in the dishwasher!

Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday!