Shopping for hot days / 38度に備えたお買い物

in Market Friday10 months ago (edited)

This post is my online/offline shopping mixture. I wish it's no problem to post it to Market Frieday.

It will 38 degrees tomorrow in my area ... 💦 I introduce three items I bought to prepare for the upcoming hot days.

Special ice cream scoop

The first one is an exclusive ice cream scoop called "Midnight Scoop".

Midnight Scoop

Recently I almost broke my two conventional ice cream scoops with gears. It was also my fault that I tried to scoop ice cream just after I took it out from -20 degree professional fridge.

I was looking for a good one. Some ice cream scoops make it easy by conducting the heat from hands. It sounds good but there are some liquid inside to do so therefore they are not recommended to put in a dishwasher. What is the liquid??

I wanted to have something simple and found this Midnight Scoop. It's full metal and ergonomically make it possible to scoop hard ice cream. Since it's price is more than 40 EUR (around 45 USD), I was wondering I shall buy it or not for few days. Then I did this crazy shopping. I shouldn't spend many more 10 EUR for conventional ice cream spoons.

The reason I decided to buy it is that I started making Japanese vegan ice cream as a product. So it is a kind of investment. You might say it's an "excuse" though ...

And see, I could scoop ice cream just I took out from the strong freezer 🥳

Portable stylish fan

I was wondering I shall buy an electric fan or not for a while. None of them convince me to buy because of the outlook. But I found a stylish one on on Amazon Prime Day. I instantly clicked the "buy" button.


I am happy to see my daughter like it too. It's light enough for her to carry around and she is old enough not to stick her fingers ... Good!

A pant to remodel to a short pant

I was at a second hand cloths shop with my friends. I sew my friend has sewn nice red short pant and wore it the other day, I wanted to have something similar. Then this pant popped in my eyes.

Now I am making it short. You will see the result in @needleworkmonday on next Monday 😉

What I will sell

In the end of the post, I upload a photo of what I will serve at a local market tomorrow, on a hot hot hot day. Vegan Asian cold noodle with full of fresh and pickled vegetables and herbs.

Happy Shopping 🛍

🏝 🏝 🏝 🏝 🏝

私が住んでいる地域では明日はなんと38度、ヨーロッパあるあるで冷房はありません!そんなこんなで今週のマーケットフライデーでは、40ユーロ超(6000円+)のMidnight Scoopというアイスクリームスクープの衝動買い、ポータブル扇風機、ショートパンツにリメイクしようと買ったセカンドハンドのパンツについて書きました。

アイスクリームスクープは、今年和風のビーガンアイスを商品化しようとしていることもあり、投資・・・(言い訳)の名の下の衝動買いでした。普通のギア式のスクープでマイナス20度の冷凍庫から出した直後のアイスをすくおうとして、2つ壊しかけました 😅 ここですでに20ユーロ使っているので、もうギア式はなし。探して悩んでMidnight Scoopに決めて買いましたが、うん、たしかに-20度の冷凍庫から出した直後のアイスでもすくえる。力をかけやすいです。

Midnight Scoop

出費は大きかったけれど大満足のお買い物になりました。あとはアイスを売って元をとるのみ 💪




最後の清涼アイテムは、セカンドハンドのパンツです。先日友人が手作りの赤いショートパンツを履いていて、私もそんなのがほしいなと思っていたのでした。セカンドハンドのお店で何かいいものがないか眺めていたら、このパンツに呼ばれました。今ショートパンツにお直し中・・・明日に間に合うのか間に合わないのか 😅 来週の月曜日には完成していると思うので、Needlework Mondayに投稿しようと思っています。


夏ですね。倒れないように、でも暑い日々を楽しみましょう!よい週末になりますように 😊


Ice cream scoopers are important! :) I never put mine in the dishwasher. They have always had a disclaimer on them, so I have always hand-washed them. Except for the ones I grew up with. My mom put hers in the dishwasher, so I have to believe it was different.

I never thought it was a difficult task of replacing mine until I went looking for one. It wasn't as easy as I had believed. I didn't find one that felt right.

Your fan was really classy looking! The smart styling really caught my eye. Does it work well, pushing enough air? I liked those red pants that you turned into shorts. I will try to remember to check the whole article out on Needlework Monday. I have don't that before, especially with pants that have done their time and are no longer needed. But shorts? Yes! A new life!

The salad looked delicious! Good luck at the Market! Thank you for sharing !!

#MarketFriday began as a way to reach out across the globe and learn about different cultures through their markets, especially local markets and farmers' markets, and eventually branched out and evolved over time from straight shopping to a cultural affair as it highlights how we differ and then again, how much we are alike. We have become a melting pot of culture, but it is still the Rituals, Festivals, food, architecture, and even your language/languages that separate us... Along with the fact that these things are normal for us. There are unwritten rules that rule our social behaviors. I see this as allowing for increased tolerance between cultures and nations, and opportunities to come together on an even playing ground. A strong culture can be beneficial to a country as it promotes unity, especially during a crisis, peaceful debate, and open dialogue. I have learned so much about all of you and it has been an amazing experience. I can only hope that learning about each other can help us work together for a peaceful world.

Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday

I'm happy to read that you agree with that it is not easy to find the best ice cream scoopers. I didn't know that I cannot put them in the dish washer ... ;)

Saturday market was quiet since people start going out the city for vacation. But I enjoy calm market as well as I have more time to see products, chat with visitors and people from other stands. And I think I could make the scooper break even by selling ice cream 😁

Thank you for hosting Market Friday and have a nice weekend @dswigle!

Thank you! I guess some of them you can, but, some have the liquid inside which cannot go in the dishwasher!

Thank you for being a part of #MarketFriday!

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sometimes it pays more to get a really high quality item. I hope this ice cream scoop doesn't disappoint you. we also have +40 heat now and my husband eats ice cream from the refrigerator 😃

Wow it's more than our place ... +40! It's totally an ice cream day 😁 I'm satisfied with the scooper. I could dig in hard ice creams just out from -20 freezer and make it break even by selling ice cream 💪

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38度は暑いですね…いや… 28度でも暑くて散歩をサボり気味のダメな私です😅
我が家も小さな扇風機が頑張ってくれています。昨年少し調べて買った小さな扇風機なのですが、air circulatorとかいうようで、扇風機は自分に向いていなくても部屋の空気が動いているのを感じられます。これだけでもだいぶ涼しいです。後ろの空気も動くようでペッパーは扇風機の後ろにいることが多いです。



京都の夏ですね!通院を終えてゆっくり休めますように。救いなのは、気温が上がっても湿度が低いのでなんとかなっているところなのですが、さすがにこれ以上気温が上がるときつそうです。氷枕、首に巻いて怪しい格好でうろうろしています 😁