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RE: Christmas Market in Brühl, Germany,

in Market Friday6 months ago

I actually go magnet fishing for real. It's quite popular over here with nerds like me. You get a strong flat magnet and tie it to some rope and throw it into the canal. Whatever metal is in the canal will obviously get stuck to the strong magnet. People have found stolen motorbikes or even hand grenades from World War II. That's when you phone the bomb squad! The best thing I've found is a discarded shopping trolley lol.


That's so cool. I have seen videos of magnet fishing in the canals of Amsterdam. They almost always and exclusively catch bikes. Can't imagine how it must feel finding weapons and bombs. Phew. What's a trolley doing in the water 😆

Yes, there's some good videos of the Amsterdam canals. I think kids take the supermarket trolleys and then dump them. I also think adults use them to take their shopping home if they live nearby, and then don't take them back.