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RE: Looking for Christmas with Market Friday

in Market Fridaylast year

Oh my that song really is lovely! And so is your post. What gorgeous Christmas decorations. I do love this season! I love the ornaments, the lights, the music, and everything about it that takes me back to my childhood.

I took a few weeks off but it's good to be back to Market Friday! My link:


Isn't that song so nice? I just love it! I cannot lie, this is the best season of the year. It does exactly that! Takes me back, to that place of comfort and joy.

Le sigh.

Not that I am unhappy now, by no means. It is just that childhood is a place with no cares or worries, everything is so easy. I remember wanting to grow up and it not coming soon enough!

LOL I took a few weeks off too! :) I am glad WE are back! Thanks so much for reading the post and dropping your link! Welcome back!

#MarketFriday loves you !