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RE: Toy Cars Now Collectables

in Market Friday2 years ago

Very nice collection, Joan, I wished I had taken more care of my toys, but I don't think there's anything left from the things we have been playing with as kids 😭

!BEER and !WINE - both make a nice dinner with !PIZZA :)


Our home the toys were tested out in the gravel, these are my husbands which are in good condition.

Perhaps the difference is he was younger than his sister, whereas I had two older brothers the contend with. My younger sister never played with cars only dolls so we were not on the same wavelength growing up, that only happened years later when we were both married.


We have destroyed every single toy we have had, I believe. I remember cars and other things, but nothing's left 😁
All 4 of us have been in about the same age with only 1 or 2 years difference to the next kid, but we have been very different, and still we are.

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

It was fun, then we had to grow up! We 4 also about same age difference between, so grew up looking after each other, or hounding each other a lot.

Hope the sun is shining, much like here heading into a warm day again, off to beach walk after a slow start.


We have been fighting a lot and then escaped from family into all directions 😁 but now we are all living quite close to home again. I'm living the furthest away with 130 kilometres.

We're having nice weather here and I'm wishing you a great time on the beach 🌞

!PIZZA and !BEER served with !LUV - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Not more than an hour away so that is close, beach was great today and the dogs had a great romp!

It's great that you have had a good time at the beach, and the dogs of course 😀

!PIZZA and !BEER - sounds like a nice dinner :)

Always great to be out, have a wonderful new week it is a public holiday here today not that we ever really take a day off....


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