I'm not Anti Social, I'm antistupid

The other week I was in Spain and walked past a very colourful shop with some cool and whacky images in the window.

Turns out it's a shop that sells T-shirts. I love a good T-shirt and wear them 95% of the time. T-shirts and jeans can never go wrong. I'm so lazy, and they save me thinking on how to coordinate my outfit.


I loved how they displayed the products. Each T-shirt was framed and hung like a poster that's why I originally thought they were images. It was like walking into a mini art gallery, and admiring all the designs.


Some of them were a take on well known images. For example, Scream by Van Gough on the left hand side, has become a gingerbread man and a monster behind him. On the top right corner, the famous photo of the Beatles walking across the zebra crossing at Abbey Wood studios in London has been caricaturised into The Masters of Rock. The one below it, The Sound of Silence is a great one. Truly silent. My favourite on this wall has got to be the panda below it. I hate morning people, and mornings and people. That's exactly how I feel on most mornings!!! Hubby's favourite one was Save water drink beer at the bottom. Of course it would be!!

There was another t-shirt that I thought was brilliant. I dared hubby to buy it. After many years of training him by yours truly, I think he knows better on how to behave, or not behave at home in order to save his marriage 😃.

In the end, he opted for the beer one. Smart move. I think the beer guys will love this one as well.

Then therre were two t-shirts that we both abosolutely loved and sums up both of us pretty well. One of them is the blue one in the bottom row I'm not Anti Social, I'm antistupid. We had such a good laugh when we saw that, as we're pretty unsociable people, not the chattiest, especially when we're with strangers 😁.

When we visited this shop, it was actually a port visit on our cruise holiday. If you haven't been on a cruise holiday before, let me tell you, most cruisers are a really friendly and jolly bunch. It's a holiday, and you're in a confined space on the ship. When you're stuck in the elevator or sitting down at dinner, someone will always start some small talk to break the embarrassing silence.

When we saw the I'm not anti social T-shirt, we thought it was absolutely ace. Then we saw another one.


Gold! We figured if we wore that on the the cruise, it should stop people from talking to us 😂😂😂Just joking!!! We bought the T-shirts, but didn't wear them on board coz it was the end of our cruise holiday.

What's your favorite T-shirt at home and do you have any funny or interesting stories about it? Please do tell. If you do a post about it, feel free to tag me 😀


What a lovely way to display T-shirt graphics! I need that last one for guests with verbal diarrhea. I do love chatting but am also anti-stupid🙈
My favorite t-shirt has a graphic taken from a Beatles painting by @artywink's hubby. It's ancient, the fabric is getting tiny holes so I think framing would be a great way to preserve it!


Great idea @lizelle , I just don't seem to be getting around to Hive. Been doing research on NFT, for selling art digital, also crypto related.
So have been very busy with my art and Peter's.
Thanks for sharing.

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That does look like a really cool store. I am with you on the jeans and a t-shirt thing. Though for me it would be cargo shorts and a t-shirt in the summer and jeans and a hoodie in the winter! I'm not great with talking to people either. I honestly find small talk kind of tiresome and not genuine. It's not that don't care, it's just that I really don't care... :)

we never get that warm for shorts, and in winter we always need more than a hoodie!! seems like you guys have the perfect weather there.

It's not that don't care, it's just that I really don't care... :)


Yeah, we kinda do!

Spain has a lot to offer, good choice for travelling

and lots of great food as well, we're very lacking in UK

I love that shirt with I never argue. it make sense haha....I feel like I wanna gift it to my boss 😂😂..

Gift it to your boss or wear it in from of him/her? 😄

Hmm. Much better 😂😂

Awesome shop! Interesting t-shirt designs !

I don't have favorite shirts though but my wife wears my shirts almost all the time when at home.

I can understand why woman do that, it's very comfy

Got a big smile out of me on this one, @livinguktaiwan! 👍 Especially on that last image ...

Most of us have probably been subjected to these various "psychological profile" tests that purport to tell you (and everyone else) about who you are, based upon answering some questions ... Or selecting some words ... Or whatever ...

Early in my career, one of them said in its summary commentary on "who I was" that I was most definitely selective socially. No, I am not shy ... I can speak, if it seems warranted ... But ... That is not nearly as often as others seem to feel the need to "spout off" ...


If my T-shirt wasn't my size, I'd definitely send it over to you, it might as well have roleerob written on it!!!

Looking at you doing all around the world. Cruising right? Not too shabby there (and the shirt suits you perfectly haha)

I used to live across from the cruise terminal in the Caribbean and every day the boats would dock across the street which was a like a daily spectacle. I always wondered..I visiting from 10 in the morning to 1700 in the afternoon chill enough to have like a 'real' day somewhere?

I always find that having dinner somewhere and seeing the evening shenenigans are like how a city truly is. So my question would be, is the amount of hours that you spend somewhere enough?

I always wondered..I visiting from 10 in the morning to 1700 in the afternoon chill enough to have like a 'real' day somewhere?

That's exactly why I'm not a big fan of cruises. They only reason I go is because sometimes they do some really good offers like this one works out to around £45 per person per night full board, and I get to 'see' some places I've never been before. So can't really complain.

I think post Covid I've become a bit lazy and haven't got the energy to plan my own itinerary like I used to do. Will have to get back to do some real holiday again.

Freaking awesome! Do they print the shirts themselves? I mean the shop?

It says printed in Spain, so not sure if it's all their own design and as I couldn't see any printing facilities inside the shop

Oh okay. They must be just selling them. Brilliant idea on teh framing tho

That display is unique and I love it.
I do like cheeky t-shirts, and I'd have had difficulty choosing which one(s) to buy:)

we had difficulty deciding who should buy which one. Then one of them didn't have my size, so it solved the problem. If in doubt, just buy them all!!!

I know that store! Brimming suitcase stopped me getting any of the shirts while there xD but yeah, they've got a great concept. Didn't see this one with antistupid, though, or I would've definitely got that one xD looks like you had a fun time!

I just googled it, seems like they have many stores in Spain, but it's the first time I've come across them.

btw, just checked your blog and see you did an awesome post about Seville last week. You didn't pin it on Pinmapple, so even though you posted it in the community, it didn't get picked up by us for curation(I'm part of the team) as our curation tool only picks up posts that are pinned to the map. Luckily you still did well with it, so that's good.

Next time, when you do a travel post, please remember to stick it on Pinmapple otherwise we can curate it no matter how awesome it is!!! 😀

Thank you for the info! It was actually my first time writing in Pinmapple (though I have been following for a while), so I'm a little hazy on the details. How exactly does one pin a post, if it's not too much trouble? :D I am planning on doing a few more, so that could be a great help. I realized I've got a lot of photos from my travels and great memories, so would love to share them with the blockchain.

Thanks again, and hoping you have a great weekend!!

It's really simple to pin your post on Pinmapple:

Go to https://www.pinmapple.com/
Click on Get Code
Zoom in to find the location of your travel post
Click on it
Copy and paste the code that starts with [//] at the bottom of the screen onto you post and post as normal

Look forward to seeing your travels on Pinmapple and have a great weekend yourself

What a nice display, and I like how they framed them up to keep them neat and so much easier to select when you can see each one.

I like JK Rowling "It's important to remember that we all have magic inside of us."

Cruise ships and small talk... elevators, lines for coffee - all of those, I don't mind niceties, they don't make me uncomfortable, but, I don't need them and am content to just stand and wait my turn. However, some people want to give me a synopsis of their entire life while standing in line. Shhhh. Now, they need to be quiet. TMI

I do like the I Never Argue t-shirt. :) That's a keeper!

Yea, I don't mind small talk sometimes, but I find elevators are the worse, especially when it opens on every floor and it takes forever to get to the top. Lines are not too bad, as people are normally facing the same direction, but meals!!! That's why I never share a table with people!!

I agree with you, the beer one was a smart move! It’s a great T-Shirt! Lol

I'm sure all drinkers will love that one!

I loved the detail of the characters' stretched middle finger ^.* Ahahah
That is about 99% of my way of dressing (t-shirt and jeans). Simple and clean!

The little middle finger is so cheeky, isn't it!! I just love it

I love these T-shirts, even if the price is too expensive for Turkish money. My favorite. I'm not anti-social, I'm anti-stupid. I love the color and the cat on it. It has no story but I have a special tshirt and I am wearing it right now. It is special to me because it was a gift from my girlfriend.

awhhh, that's so sweet 😍

You know I'm still waiting for the heart shadow photo.......

Nice post

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When I looked at the pictures I thought it was an art gallery, art on a different kind of canvas 😉.

How cool these messages on their t-shirts, they always use cats as a symbol of distance and unsociable beings.

You're not lazy, you're practical.

And I'm becoming unsociable, in person I hardly talk at all my I want to listen to people's bullshit.

I think it's finding the right people to hang around to be sociable. I find as I grow older, I have many acquaintances, people I know and maybe talk to just because they're around, but not someone I would miss if they're not there. Friends are rare and few now

It's a matter of age, hahahaha as I get older I talk less and listen more, so our communication interests have changed as we have.

It would be nice to have a flannel with a message every day according to our mood.

I have one of those tshirts! I have the one of a cat holding a sword. It's called "Catana".


Their stuff are so funny, kinda jealous we don't have something similar in UK, and at this price range

HMV has tshirt walls like this, but it's pretty pricey.

I think if my wife had that shirt she would never take it off at home, haha. With her I would reproach myself daily, magnificent.

And of course I wouldn't take this one off myself, as I consider myself a bit asocial myself xD

I love reading you, greetings.

Thanks for dropping by!

not a bad price for a tee shirt!
This is my fav slogan tee shirt, I have been wearing it for the past 12 years, its now quite thin and worn out, but it sums me up to a Tee(sic), I just can't throw it away!


12 years is a long time for a t-shirt! It still looks quite complete. I got one I worn at home for well over 10 years and it has holes around the neckline and even under the armpit 😁 but it is so comfy.

comfy is a good word, I guess I like things to last, I shun primark. A lot of my clothes are like into double figures in age, ( my Fav shoes are 17 years old and still oh so comfy, but they are really battered, I am going to wear them when I get cremated!).

That's a really cool shop that you discovered in Spain! The prints in particular are really something and as you say, jeans and T-shirts always work. Most of the time I don't even worry about my outfit, I just wear what's there. The sayings on it haha ​​they are really good.. Haha that would have been really funny if you had worn them, I would have found the reaction exciting:D

Hubby was very tempted to wear it back on the cruise ship. He's already had a few comments about his other T-shirts, as he has some cool ones. Maybe if we wore these, we could end up with the opposite response and have more people talking to us!!!

That's a really smart and cool looking way to present the graphics of the t-shirts indeed! A lot easier and quicker to pick your favourite and only search for the right size.

Defintiely, and they could stock a lot more different styles in the shop, and visually its so good as well




I wanted to share this with you from the moment I saw this post. I saw these shirts when we were in Salamanca this January, but it was evening, the shop was closed so we didn't enter & purchase anything...


I'm guessing this store is quite popular in Spain? Their stuff is so cool

My favorite is the selectively social 😉

There is a store here in Cuba called Clandestina that is very cool in this printing and the concept they handle in their designs.

But look... I died with the pollo (chicken) and the "me suda la polla" message 😁😂

The store looks very cool, although I can't read Spanish and don't know what messages says, the designs are very vibrant and makes one very happy

Are those Cuban Peso prices? It's very expensive like USD 100 for a T-shirt 😬

I'll tell you something about the messages. It's a total cubaneo. Many of our phrases are put on our T-shirts, for example:

"se acabó el dramita" and they also say that "There are dramas of all sizes".
Nothing is perfect, it's another phrase on a T-shirt...

;) and about the socks
Destructive Monday
Tuesday blackout
Wednesday burner

and so a weekly of socks... and well everything else you saw. They have a good marketing. Maybe I'll stop by and do a review. Sounds interesting.

About the prices, my friend, it is hard here, considering that a professional's salary, for example mine is 4600 pesos per month. And a T-shirt is 2800 pesos.


Cool Tees 🙌

Makes a nice change from the boring ones I see in uk

Can u help me regarding my posts now onwards which all will be fresh and new content? I apologise for my mistake.

Wow, I did not even realize it until you mentioned that the posters where actually polos. It’s a really cute store and looks like you can snag some cool writings. I love polos but I do not own much currently tho.

It was very interesting to visit the store

I think I saw a shop just like that is Florence - and it may even be the same chain - great designs !

I think I would go crazy in this store wanting to buy at least 10 of them and I would fall short.
I loved the idea of making it like a gallery, because usually, going through shelves to see the details of the t-shirts is boring for me.

Gosh you make me want to visit Spain again. One of my last visits there was to San Sebastian. I do not know if you've been - it is a great place.
I love that t-shirt shop and the shirts you bought. It would have been interesting if you decided to wear them at the end of your trip - just to see the reaction of the people you were already socializing with.
I hardly wear t-shirt - actually I never do but I buy them as gifts for others.

PS - Scream is from a Norwegian artist called Edvard Munch. I like this fun t-shirt version too.