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RE: Koopwaar Kopen in Lawang Sewu - Getting An Enamel Coffee Mug

in Market Fridaylast year

Do you speak dutch too or just Afrikaan and English? Interesting! I guess former dutch colonies shares a few common cultural thing too. I wouldn't expect that they also do that in South Africa! thanks for the warning, it's gonna be my first time making coffee in those enamel mugs.


No, I speak Afrikaans 😂 and English.

I supposs we do yeah, we even have enamel plates and stuff. Although the quality of those that are produced today isn't the same anymore..
Laughs I bet 90% of households in SA has atleast one of those cups😂

No problem those are amazing camping mugs, you can drink coffee with them and beat the lions and monkeys with them.

lmao, I can see how it can be handy as weapon too, it certainly stings especially if you hit someone with it. Thanks for checking out and answering my curiosity!