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RE: The Markets of Friday by Market Friday

in Market Friday • last year

You truly deserve to be pandered and to enjoy lots of holiday now.💖💕
Who wouldn't love to see different colors and creativity flying out the sky.
Alot of people will definately participate because of the fun it involves and not just for rewards.

Is that a huge chunk of beef am seeing, that's surely a healthy plate, it makes any voyage fulfilled.

That is truly a magnificent ship
And anyone could get lost looking at that creation.

Thank you so much for all the blogging tip in between, at least so many hive newbies will learn how to post quality contents and market Friday post.

I went about sharing the price of merchandize in our store here as requested by fellow hivers wishing to compare these prices with those of others in their own part of the world.


Thank you. What a beautiful comment you leave. I do love the kite festivals they have here with the winds of February and March. Always a good kite day somewhere in there. I have flown kites since childhood and I still enjoy it! There is no age restrictions on it! :)

The ships are always wonderful and anyone that goes knows what a special time it is. I never dreamed I would be sailing ships like that when I was growing up. They truly feed you well.

I hope that people were able to take something away with them on this post. That would make me feel good about it.

Yes, the price comparisons are sometimes requested and most give their prices of what they are buying, so yours is a little different and that is awesome. I must ask, do you bargain the price or is it a set price?

Thank you for dropping your link!

#MarketFriday loves you!