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RE: Market Friday does the Needful

in Market Friday3 years ago

as was meant to be, not a throwaway. What are they thinking?

And what's so extra infuriating is that that they aren't recycled. They'll have the number on them, and people will put them in the recycle bin and rinse them out all proper, but recycling facilities almost everywhere do not have the right equipment to actually recycle them, so it's just a show. I think at this point we need drastic action re: the plastic pollution. Like laws mandating cradle to grave packaging. Bring back returnable glass bottles and unpackaged produce. If a manufacturer wants to use crappy packaging, then there needs to be a bin to collect it at the store and it is shipped right back to them, preferably onto their CEO's lawn. ;)

Individual pie tins is SUCH a good idea when you have a family with different needs and wants. That would make it so much easier for allergies or if someone is vegetarian and another isn't, etc.


If a manufacturer wants to use crappy packaging, then there needs to be a bin to collect it at the store and it is shipped right back to them, preferably onto their CEO's lawn. ;)

😂 - I agree. My friend and I have put together the doings to put our shopping through the cash till, then remove all the packaging and put the goods in recyclable containers or paper wraps and leave the packaging at the store. It mainly involves having two sets of shopping bags, a little purse with scissors and other implements to get into packaging, and a sanguine but determined attitude.

On the one hand, I love that because stores do have the power to tell manufacturers, "We're not going to carry your product until the packaging doesn't suck." On the other, if it's a chain store and the store manager tries to tell corporate that customers are fed up and doing that now, will they even listen?

I think there is a move and, ironically, COVID has hastened it, as more people are questioning the whole consumption thing, whether it's from a "can I afford it now I've been furloughed/lost my job/the economy has tanked and taxes are coming" to "actually, why am I doing this anyway?"

Yep. I've seen a lot of talk from people who were able to work from home going "do you know how much better my life has been not having to go to the office? I save time, money, energy... "

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We have one of the few that actually does collect them and recycle them. A few years ago, they wouldn't recycle GLASS! What? I have to say that most of the stores here (with the exception of BJ and Costco and Sam's do sell unpackaged goods. They are very antiplastic here. But, there are still some in the bakery and the butchers unless you have them cut it for you. Then they will use butcher paper.

I buy my milk in recyclable glass bottles or from the farmer close enough to me (he delivers! No lie!) and I see them letting the world go to Hell before they do anything about anything. It takes away from their profit. Guess what, when there is no world left, will the profit really matter?

The pie tins are even good for you! Then you can make a few of them and freeze - pull out for an easy night!

Ooh Denver didn't recycle glass either until really recently! They would take it, of course - but in the single stream system, it was the last thing to come out and it would be broken and they couldn't recycle it like that. They would "reuse" it once as LANDFILL LINER, which to be fair prevented some rock mining I guess but still, glass is infinitely recyclable and it was going in a landfill! I don't know what they did to fix it but when I mentioned on a post online that that was the case, Denver Recycles actually replied to me all huffy that that was old news and they recycled glass now. I was like, well then you need to tell people that? LOL
I try to avoid plastic as much as possible but it's not always possible. And now since covid, even the one place I could bring my containers for some bulk things has prebagged them. Thankfully most stores offer at least a lot of unpackaged produce; but Trader Joe's is notoriously awful about that. SO MUCH PLASTIC. And their whole schtick is organic crunchy granola no GMO type stuff - and they're covering it with plastic. I'm like Y'ALL.
Oooh so lucky to have that dairy farmer who delivers!!
I do generally make a big batch (like, a whole pot pie) and then freeze some of it for later, both to prevent waste and to make more variety in my diet by spreading it out. But I'll also eat the same thing for days at a time. I also tend to get on a kick where I want the same thing a lot - I'll have a soup kick or a pasta kick or a burrito kick or whatever, for weeks - and then I'm satisfied and move on. X3
Ooh I'm gonna try my new call-n-drop coin:

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