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RE: Maine-ly Acadia National Park on Market Friday

in Market Friday3 years ago

Aww, Acadia... I was there in the summer of 2010, long before I started to be interested in photography so the only picture I have from there is this random miserable blurred shot of the rocks.


But I still remember how beautiful this place was. Thanks for sharing your amazing pictures from there.

Happy Market Friday! :)


BTW @phortun, I was shocked you were able to locate a shot of it so quickly. I have been taking pictures much less time than you and it takes me forever to find anything.

How unorganized! How do you file them and do you cross-file them also?

Haha that´s a good question :) Well, as someone with a pretty severe OCD, I generally like to have my stuff organized and ordered :D As far as photos are concerned, I have a separate file (album) in my laptop for every country (in some cases even region or city) that I visit. It´s quite easy to retrieve photos you need then as you know exactly where to reach...

I got into photography at the height of the kid's education and I was homeschooling, so between horse riding lessons, tennis, soccer, boy scouts, girls scouts, explorer club, academic decathlon, football, baseball, Latin club, Spanish club, Officers Wives Club... Oh and running the house, etc... I never got enough time to pretend I was organized.

There was plenty of fun in between, but, totally crazy days.

Woow! That´s some serious multitasking :) No room for organizing indeed :) Totally understandable. I would never be able to do so many things. You have my utmost respect :)

That looks about how mine did too. I loved to vacation and travel and used to buy postcards because pictures from a cheap camera were terrible.

It is a really beautiful place, especially for someone who loves nature as you do. Thanks so much for sharing your story and for stopping by and leaving your words. The picture is hilarious, I have a million just like it. Have a great day!

#MarketFriday loves you!